sábado, 16 de junio de 2012

Study: 'Minute clinics' fail to catch on in Mass. - Pittsburgh Business Times:

But a new study by the consultancty firm Deloitte has found that peoplew in Boston are statisticallyh less willing to use this new alternative healtgcare option. The percentage of patients who were likelty to use a retail clinic if it cost half as much as a doctoer visit was 30percent nationwide, but only 21 percenr in Boston. The percentage of patients that have actuallg used a retail walk in clinid in the past year was 13 percent nationwide and only 5 percentgin Boston. Even a one week wait for a doctoe would not entice very many Bostonians to go to aretaiol clinic: just 18 percent of Bostonians said that would make them change their behavior, compared with 28 percen nationwide.
The newly-released study was conductedc in Octoberof 2008, and included 5,66t5 subjects nationwide

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