Make no mistake about it: Partners come in all shapeds and sizes. Everyone has God-given gifts and talenta to share — once the relationships are assembles properly. However, making bad connections zaps toomany salespeople. A properlyt utilized, diversified group of partners will take you to the top of the Fail onthis mission, though, and you will feel like Kirk and urgently pleads for Scotty to beam you up and out of there. Maximizing the power in your partners lets us work smarter and more and provide the quality of life weall • Identify the source. • Investigate whetheer the source shares your visionand values. • Implemenft a plan between you andyour partner.
Interconnect the right • Referral sources: compensation going in one direction. • Strategiv partners: two people in the same broad industruy who exchange referralswithout compensation. • Strategic people in different industriesa who share the sametarget market. • Centerss of influence: a client who likes you and has given you at least twounsolicited referrals. • Reversre referral sources: an old referral source who can’ty give you referrals directly but has people under them who cando so. Here is a typicall scenario: A life insurance professional meet san accountant, and everything is fine for a whils until one partner’s pail of waterr is empty.
In this case, it is probablu the accountant’s. Why? The life insurancer person probably did not identify that source correctly and assumed it was a typicaklstrategic partnership. Question: Who do you think has more clientsto refer? The accountant, right? So, since the life insurance person cannot feed the it eventually eats him. That partnership was it was probably areferrapl source. There are so many examples, I have createdf a “peers, partners and profits” concept to learn how to identifu and connect partnersin real-life scenarios without the wirezs getting crossed.
Martin Touch tip: Do not connect your sources with each otheer until you have an individual plan in plac and it is working for six This is a common mistake that sometimes results in only aloosr connection. If you understand the four-I you will have something invaluable. You will feel indescribable and you canyell “beam me up, Scotty” with a sense of missiom accomplished.
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