domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

eScreen evolves from rapid testing to expanded offerings - Kansas City Business Journal:
While the industry still perceiverd eScreen as a device it was sneaking up on the competitio by building a set of tools to become aholistic employment-screenin g company. Even though its sales to existing clients were down about 20 percent because of decreased hirinyg byits clients, eScreen’s revenuee grew 13 percent last year through increased market CEO Robert Thompson said. The companu is currently the second-largest program administrator in the country with an eye on the top The company’s business model is to place its technology and software in occupational health and urgent-care clinicse throughout the country and then use that networl as a selling point when callinh on nationwide employers.
The strategy has worked well, and now eScreeb has two of the nation’s five largest employers as customers.

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