miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

2 Greater Niagara papers slow presses - Business First of Buffalo:

On July 6, the Tonawanda which is based inNortg Tonawanda, discontinued the Monday edition from its Mondagy through Saturday schedule, goingv to a five-day print schedule. The Medin a Journal-Register eliminated the Tuesday edition July 7 from its Mondayy throughFriday schedule, dropping to a four-day print schedule. Both papers are ownedc by , a division of Alabama-based , whicg also owns the Lockport Union-Sun & Journal and Niagara Diane Crowe, publisher of the Lockport andMedina newspapers, said thered are no plans to drop any editions of the Lockporr or Niagara Falls newspapers.
Lockport and Niagaraz Falls publish Mondays througjhSaturdays and, in a sharerd arrangement with the Tonawandaz News, a Sunday newspaper that is zonerd for specific areas: Niagara Sunday, Lockport Sunday and Tonawands Sunday. The Sunday newspaper circulationis 33,000, Crowe Tonawanda’s circulation is 7,300 and Medina’s is 2,800. “I can’t speak for the Tonawanda newspaper, but we just felt (cutting back one was the correct action for our organization to take from afinancial standpoint,” Crowe said.
“Newspapers’ declines throughoug the nation have been Community newspapers are holdingtheir own, but as the economyu worsens, there are problems with advertisers not havinvg money to spend,” she said. Donnaz Barrett, chief financial officer of Community Holdings, was not immediatelt availablefor comment. Formed in Community Newspaper Holdings purchased the Western New York newspaperzs more than 10 years ago and owns weeklyand semi-weekly publications in 20 states.

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