Over the weekend, Texas legislators let the clock run out on a bill that would have createda $500 million rebate programm to build solar installations in the Lone Star On Tennessee’s Capitol Hill today, Sen. Jim Kyle was quicko to capitalize. “To any company that had an eye on we say come on up to says Kyle, D-Memphis, who is sponsoringf Gov. Phil Bredesen’s energy bill. Bredesejn has proposed using $600 million in stimulux bill funds to create a Tennessee Solar Institutse and West Tennessee Solar Farm that would bring togethee the resources of the Universityof Tennessee, and new companiez investing here that will produce solatr components, including in Bradley County and in Those companies were attracted by a packagw of state incentives and infrastructure-readyt industrial megasites.
“West Tennessee is well positionedd to attract companies that will brinbg in 21stcentury jobs. The new energy industryy can play a big part in getting our local economiee back ontheir feet,” says Sen. Roy D-Dresden, who worked with Finneyg to get an industrial megasite inWest Tennessee. Bredesen hoped to position the state as a leader in developingh alternative energy sources as part of his legacy asa two-terkm governor.
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