viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

Consumer confidence falls in June - San Antonio Business Journal:
The Conference Board’s Consumet Confidence Index dropped to comparedto 54.8 in May, the most recentr evidence that the economy continues to struggle. Consumer spending accounts forabout two-thirds of the economy in the United making a decline in consumer confidence a worry from Main Street to Wall The Dow Jones industrial average was down 112 pointas to 8,417 in midday trading Consumers are downbeat when it comes to the short - and long-term outlook with the The Present Situation Index basically, how do you feel today — dropped to 24.8 this month, from 29.7 in May. And consumere are glum about the nextsix months, with the Expectations Inded falling to 65.5, from 71.
5 in May. The Present Situationm Index declinewas “caused by a less favorablr assessment of business conditions and (and) continues to imply that economic while not as weak as earlier this are nonetheless weak,” director Lynn Franc said in a news release Tuesday. Consumerr confidence plummeted toa record-low 25.3 in The economy has strong growth when the indecx reaches 100. The Conference Board contacts 5,000 households for the monthly index.

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