lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

KapStone Charleston Kraft Shows Sustainability Leadership With SFI Fiber Sourcing and Chain-of-Custody Certifications
June 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- As part of a broacd commitment to corporatesocial responsibility, KapStoner Charleston Kraft LLC, an unbleached Kraft paper and lumber producer, announced today it has achieved certification to the independen Sustainable Forestry Initiative(R) (SFI(R)) fiber sourcin and chain-of-custody (CoC) standards across its five chip Summerville Lumber Mill and paper mill. KapStone Charleston Kraft LLC is wholl owned by KapStone Paper and PackagingCorporation (Nasdaq: "At KapStone Charleston Kraft, we have a strong commitmengt to sustainability, and so do our customers,"" said , Vice President and General Manager.
fiber sourcing and chain-of-custody certifications are a key componentf of our sustainability program and ensure our customera that the fiber in their products is sourced by following responsibleforestry practices. " With more than 160 million acres certified acrossNorth America, the non-profit SFI sustainable forestrgy certification program is one of the largest in the with a standard basedc on principles and measures that promote sounds forest management including measures to protect watee quality, biodiversity, wildlife habitat, speciess at risk and forests with exceptional conservatio n value.
Through SFI chain-of-custody companies must have a tracking syste m in place so they can tell customers the amount of uncertified and recycled content in the forest productsthey buy, use or SFI Inc. stands apart from other certification programd by addressing the fact that 90 percent ofthe world'sz forests are not certified to a credible standard. An SFI fiber sourcingh label delivers assurance that the fiber in a product is from aresponsiblse source, even if it comesx from forests that are not certified.
"At a time when just 10 percenr ofthe world's forests are independentlyh certified, KapStone Charleston Kraft joins a growingb community of companies, landowners, and social and environmentall organizations who have demonstrated their environmental commitmengt and leadership by achieving SFI certification, said SFI Inc. Presidengt and CEO . Included in KapStone'a SFI fiber sourcing and CoC certificationzs are five chip mill sitees locatedin Kinards, Elgin, Andrews, Hampton and a lumber mill in Summerville, S.C., and a papee mill in North Charleston, S.C.
"Certificatiobn to the SFI Standard means we will be able to meet increasingv market demand for sustainablyproducef products, which is good for our business and good for our forests," said , Vice President of Sales, Specialt y Products. Headquartered in Northbrook, KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation is a leading North American producer of unbleached Kraft papeer productsand linerboard. The Company is the parentg company of KapStone KraftPaper Corporation, which includes paper mills in Roanokes Rapids, N.C., and North Charleston, S.C., a lumber mill in Summerville, and five chip mills in South The business employs approximately 1,550 people. Aboutg SFI Inc. SFI Inc.
is a 501c(3) non-profi t charitable organization, and is solely responsible for maintaining, overseeingh and improving the Sustainable Forestry Initiativewprogram ( ), which is internationally recognized and amont the largest in the world. It is one of the fastest-growing forestf certification programs with over 160 millionacres (65 milliom hectares) of SFI-certified forests across Nort h America.
The SFI Standard also includees unique fiber sourcing requirements that promote responsible forest management onall suppliers' lands and a chain-of-custody certification, whicuh can communicate to buyers how much certified fiberr is in a specific The SFI forest standard is endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsementr of Forest Certification schemes, a global umbrell organization that has stricrt requirements for endorsement. SFI Inc. is governed by a three-chambedr board of directors representing environmental, social and economicd sectors equally.

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