sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013


To be successful in this a company must maintain both quality and quantityt of people in a numbeer of specializedtechnical disciplines. Our future, depends on how well we can renewthis ever-shrinking talent pool. According to the Aerospace Industries Association, nearly 60 percent of aerospace workeras are overage 45, with many retirement eligible. This agingy demographic must be properly addressed to maintainindustry capability. The AIA also cite evidence that the future supply of engineerinv graduates will be inadequate to fillthis need. there are some adverse trends that areof concern. First, therr is evidence that the number of homegrow engineers maybe declining.
(NSF) data indicate that the percentagwof U.S. high schoo graduates pursuing engineering degrees has dropped from abouty 11 percent in 1995 to about 9 percent over the last10

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