viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

Compass Minerals makes $95.5M from debt placement - Kansas City Business Journal:
million from a privatee placementof $100 million in 8 perceny senior notes due in 2019. In a Friday release, the Overland Park-basef company (NYSE: CMP) said it will use the proceeds to financs a tender offer it announced May 21 to buy itsoutstanding $89.6 million in 12 percenr senior notes due in 2013, and for general corporatwe purposes. Compass produces minerals including salt, sulfate of potash specialtty fertilizer andmagnesium chloride. It provides highway deicingh salt to customers in North Americaw and the United Kingdom and specialty fertilizerf togrowers worldwide.
It producese consumer deicing and waterconditioning products, ingredients used in consumer and commercial foods, and other mineral-basef products for consumer, agricultural and industrial It also provides recordsa management services to businessexs throughout the United Kingdom. The companh ranks No. 18 on the Kansas City BusinessJournal ’z list of area public

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