sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

'Another Level' - Wichita Business Journal:

The same day he arrived in Wichitasfrom Florida, he attended an Urban League Two days later, he was meeting with his new staf f and members of the boardx trying to map out a plan for the nonprofi t organization to move That was last March when Daniel, 50, becamr the new president and CEO of the Urban replacing Brian Black, who left the organization to become the community affairs manage at Daniel has been busy since. “There was no real honeymooj for me when Igot here,” he Daniel left behind 15 years of service at the Urban Leaguw of Jacksonville, where he was the vice president for economic and strategic initiatives.
In Wichita, he oversees 32 full - and part-time employees and an annual operating budge tof $1.5 million. Daniel spentg most of his first year meeting peopls in the community and promoting the Urban an organization that advocates on behalgf of blacksin education, work force development and housing. He broughtr with him a business savvt that he says serves the UrbanLeagure well. “My whole reason for bein g here is to take this organization toanothedr level,” Daniel says. He says he wants the Urban Leaguse to generate more unrestrictedr income tobecome self-sustaining and less dependent on charityy giving.
To do that, Daniel is working on a way for the Urbanm Leagueto recruit, screen and train workers for Wichita People have taken notice of his efforts. “Hew certainly seems to have a vision withinthe organization,” say Connie who works in ’s cooperative educatiom program. “He’s a great face for the Urbanh League.” Dietz, also a member of the , firs met Daniel during an Urban League diversity traininy event at WSU and wasinstantly impressed. “I thinkl (Black) laid the foundation and Chester is ready to builron it,” Dietz says. With a year under his Daniel says there’s still more work to be done. Otherd agree.
“I think the best is yet to comewith Mr. says Lee Williams, Urban League board member and presidentf ofthe . “We are going to see some greatr things that are beneficial to this Daniel is always looking for ways tobettefr himself.

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