miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

Report: N. Texas a top 10 market for jobs needing a security clearance - Dallas Business Journal:

, an online Internet job postingh board for professionals withsecurity clearance, is a subsidiart of Des Moines, Iowa-basec In its latest report, ClearanceJobs.com says Texas professional s with security clearances saw their averag e salary jump from $60,252 in 2007 to $64,20 7 last year. Specific pay information about Dallas/Fort Wortbh workers was not available, but the report did note that Nortj Texas is among the top 10 regions in the nation for this kindof worker.
Professionalsa with security clearances are finding that the dynamicd of supply and demand are workingh in their favor with employees seeking them out in a marketr where security clearances are stillo an uncommon trait and one that is particularly wanter in areas such asWashington D.C. and northerbn Virginia. “The turbulent economy has put a governor on the growthg rate of salaries for securityclearefd workers,” said Evan Lesser, founder and directo of ClearanceJobs.com. “However, there is no shortage of security-clearexd career opportunities both in and outsidethe D.C.

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