lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2012

CSU researchers get $2.7M to study cells and share their work with kids - San Antonio Business Journal:
million grant by the to help train graduate studentsxin cell-research techniques and to sharee their scientific knowledge with local school teachers, CSU said The graduate students at the Fort Collinsz campus “will test new theories about how cells behaved using advanced engineering methodds in microelectronics and CSU said in a statement. That NSF-fundexd work will be led by CSU engineering professorTom Chen, the grant’e principal investigator, joined by Stuart Tobet, a biomedical sciences professor in the Collegre of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, and Michael De an engineering education professo in the College of Applied Human De Miranda will also work with the graduates students on sharing their research with K-12 teacherse in the Poudre, Thompson Greeley and Weld RE-9 school districts in northeasternh Colorado.
A goal of the gran is to help build enthusiasm amony primary and secondary students for careersin science, technology, engineering and mathematics — the disciplines” — at a time when fewer younf people are entering into such careers, CSU officials

domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012

Kentucky puts restrictions on livestock from Nebraska, Texas - Sacramento Business Journal:
Kentucky now will require livestocj brought to Kentucky from Nebraska and Texas to pass a tuberculosis test within 60 days of The tests must be given to cattle 18 months and oldefr and goats and camelids six months and the said in anews release. Nebraska agriculturse officials have confirmed tuberculosis in two cattle inthe north-central part of the They have quarantined 32 cattle herds with aboutf 15,000 adult cattle, according to the The in Ames, Iowa confirmed a case of tuberculosi s in a dairy cattle herd in west Texas, according to the Kentucky also has banned entry of livestockj from Starr County in south Texas because a horsee there has been diagnosed with vesicular stomatits, a viralo disease that can affect horses, swine, sheep, goats and deer.

jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2012

Six developers propose slots parlors in Maryland - Washington Business Journal:
Developers plan to build at leastt 10,550 slot machines at five locationswaround Maryland, said Donald C. Fry, chiet executive of the and chairman of the pane responsible for reviewingthe bids. State law authorizes a maximujof 15,000 machines. Each of five location allowed by state law receivedbids -- in Baltimore Anne Arundel County, Cecil Allegany County and Worcester County. Thus, one locatiohn received two bids; Fry woulsd not say which locationthat was. Dozens of boxe s were wheeled into the Departmeng of Legislative Services building in Annapolis by2 p.m. on Maryland Lottery Commission staff begab poring throughthe documents.
Once it learn more details, the panekl will announce further details at a3 p.m. meetinh Tuesday, Fry said. LLC, a subsidiarhy of Baltimore's Cordish Co., issued a statement that it had submittecd anapplication "to develop a world-class, destination casinop with 4,750 video lottery terminalsa at Arundel Mills Mall." "The Arundel Milles site, a leading tourist attraction in the stat e and one of the premieres attractions in the country, is the ideapl location for the Anne Arundel Countyh facility, and one of the premier locations in the United States for a casino/entertainmenf project," the company said in a statement.
Beyond its optimalp location, strong consumer awareness, and ideal vehicular Arundel Mills offers unbeatable retail and entertainmeny amenities to complement a premiere gaming Last month, Hard Rock Internationa l and Banks Contracting Co. Inc. in Baltimorde or Anne Arundel. The , owner of Laurel has also said it plannedx on submitting a bid to builda

miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

Report: N. Texas a top 10 market for jobs needing a security clearance - Dallas Business Journal:
, an online Internet job postingh board for professionals withsecurity clearance, is a subsidiart of Des Moines, Iowa-basec In its latest report, says Texas professional s with security clearances saw their averag e salary jump from $60,252 in 2007 to $64,20 7 last year. Specific pay information about Dallas/Fort Wortbh workers was not available, but the report did note that Nortj Texas is among the top 10 regions in the nation for this kindof worker.
Professionalsa with security clearances are finding that the dynamicd of supply and demand are workingh in their favor with employees seeking them out in a marketr where security clearances are stillo an uncommon trait and one that is particularly wanter in areas such asWashington D.C. and northerbn Virginia. “The turbulent economy has put a governor on the growthg rate of salaries for securityclearefd workers,” said Evan Lesser, founder and directo of “However, there is no shortage of security-clearexd career opportunities both in and outsidethe D.C.

martes, 25 de diciembre de 2012

Kansas City Fed district manufacturing improves - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The production index for manufacturerw reporting an increase in production in June from May was 9 its first foray into positive territorysincer August. About 33 percent of companies surveyed said productionwas up, and abougt 22 percent said it was down. The index was at -3 in May and -8 a year ago. Productiojn indexes increased for durable andnondurable goods-producinbg plants. The indexes for shipments, new orders and orderd backlog all increased forthe second-straighr month and emerged from negative The employment index was -10 in June, up from -13 in May. It was at -9 a year ago. The averag employee workweek indexhit 3, jumpinhg from -14 in May and -3 a year ago.
The index had been negativew since August. Inventories for materials and finished goodesremained negative, worsening from May to June and from last The future-production outlook index reacher 13, up from 1 in May and down from 17 a year ago. The futur capital expenditures index fellto -13 in June from -10 in May. The bank said most firmx indicated “some lingering hesitancy on majot investments due to the only recent pickup in The 10th district coversWesternm Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Wyoming and northern New

sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012

Hill residents hear Hine proposals - Washington Business Journal:
The 131,300-square-foot school, between Seventh and Eighth Street Southeast, is one of 11 Mayor Adriahn Fenty is looking to leverage foreconomid development. Hine drew 10 more than any other and Fenty’s economic development team twicee narrowed the field, eventually inviting four to offef community presentations. According to presentation materials provided by the three of the teamsproposedf housing, retail and underground parking, as well as a reopeninbg of C Street SE into an activde shopping area for pedestrians. Councilman Tommy D-Ward 6, previously held two meetings aboutthe property’w future, giving developers an idea of the community’s interests.
Seven , a team of companies led by the , pitche d itself as “building on the spiritt of Eastern Market.” Led by Bozzuto CEO Thomasz Bozzuto, the team includes an arrat of developers doing other work for the includingElinor Bacon, the former head of the , Geoffre y Griffis, the Adams Morgan developer who is part of the team developingy a new Southwest office building and fire station, and Scottier Irving, whose Blue Skye Development is workintg on a number of city Other partners are Scallan Properties and . A team led by and Bo Menkiti’sa , along with partnedr StreetSense, said their plan best connected Easterhn Market toBarracks Row.
They proposed 235 residentiao units, 40,000 square-feet of retail, 30,000 square-feet of open space (half of it private) and an 80-room hotekl run by Kimpton Hotel & Restaurant Group, LLC. They dropped the nameas of Robert Wiedmaier, newly christened restaurateur of the year accordinbg tothe , as well as Yes! Organic Market and Busboys Poets as possible retailers. , which remadew much of Georgetown, leads a team with that includewand .
They proposed a plazw on C Street; ground floor retail; a residential buildinyg on Eighth Street; an office building at the cornee of Seventhand Pennsylvania; an interiodr courtyard; more than two acres of green roof s and gardens; a possible hotel; and performance space for the , whicu is based on Eighth A portion of residential units wouldx be set aside for the Shakespeare Co. and for seniorf citizens. Finally, , led by Presidenft Benjamin Miller, formed a partnership with Florida consultan Jonathan Lewis and philanthropistPeter B. chairman of the insurance giantProgressive Corp.
, to propose a campuz of nonprofit organizations for Called the National Leadership the plan suggests retail, restaurants and recreational spac but would primarily provide affordable office space for nonprofit organizations that otherwise might not be able to afford spacee in the city a growing focus for the Fenty administration. The team namedc a bevy of major national nonprofitr or liberal advocacy groups as such as the and theTides Foundation. It has D.C. developefr Jair Lynch as a real estate adviser but no formalized buildinvplans yet.

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2012

New online tool helps doctors talk to cancer patients - Houston Business Journal:
I*CARE, or Interpersonal Communication andRelationshiop Enhancement, is designed to help clinicians, especially oncologists, learnm the communication and relationship skills necessary to managinh challenging patient or family encounters. The site includes videko lectures, patient scenarios, articles and resources to improve patient/physician communication and, ultimately, enhance patient care and The most commonly accessed topics includeweffective listening, breaking bad news, erro disclosure, discussing recurrence of disease and end-of-lif issues, sharing information about complementary therapies and caring for the patient It also provides faculty forumas on communications skills and interactive workshops and training sessions.
The free I*Car site is accessible to any physician, physician’s assistant, health care patient or caregiver, and is available at

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012

State approves HMSA rate hikes - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
cited “double-digit increases in health care costs” as a reason for raisingb the rates forits community-rated groups, but said the increasesd were less than requested. The increases, which take effecgt July 1, range from 4.2 percent for the Health Plan Hawai Plus, to 12.1 percent for the HMSA Preferred Provider Plan and the HMSACompMED plan, according to a news releas e from HMSA. “We appreciate how difficult it is for busines owners during this economic downturn and the last thing we want to do is makethingse harder,” said Steve Van Ribbink, executive vice president and chievf financial officer.
“But the fact is that this adjustmengtis necessary, and it’s good to know that an outside independent party like the stat Insurance Division agrees that it is HMSA, which is the state’s dominant health plan with 703,47y members, posted a loss of some $36 millionj in 2008, and last montn reported a $13.9 million loss in the firstt quarter of 2009. “We are currently in a situatiobnwhere double-digit increases in health care costsx are outpacing increases in member said Van Ribbink. “We’re working hard to keep our administrativeexpensews low, increase our operational efficienciess and generate the greatest value for our members.

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

Nick Saban Talks Departure from Miami - The Phinsider

Nick Saban Talks Departure from Miami

The Phinsider

The Alabama Crimson Tide will soon be in Miami to play Notre Dame for the NCAA National Championship in college footb »

lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

Rebates should boost Energy Star sales - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
“This rebate program will help Floridians buy appliancesd atdiscount rates, lower utilitty costs and benefit Floridq businesses by stimulating sales of energy-efficient appliances,” Gov. Charlie Crist said in a preszs releaseMay 18. Althouggh the bill was signed last week, the projected time for the prograk to be administered is probablyy sometimethis fall. Consumers will not be eligible for the rebates until then because some of the detailzs of the program still need to beworkesd out, said Jeremy Susac, the executive director of Crist’ Energy Office.
The specific amounts for the rebatez must be approved by the legislative budget and Crist’s office is still waiting for guidances from the federal government on how exactly the progran will work, Susac said. The FECC is expectinb Florida toreceive $18 million in federal stimulus funds to provide the rebatwe program. In addition, the Florida legislaturwe is giving $150,000 to the FECC to help them put the plan into All of this should help Floridians save 20 percenrt on the costof energy-efficient appliances. “This is what we are Susac said.
“We are lookinfg at 20 percent all across the With the 20percent rebate, consumers could save $290 on $200 on washing machines, freezers and dishwashers, $65 on room air conditionerw and $40 on dehumidifiers. Only laundrt and kitchen home appliances with the Energy Star labekl will be eligible for the All Energy Star appliances meet strict energy efficiencg guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agencyand U.S. Department of but certain items like flat screen televisions are not Susac said.
Even though they use the most energy out of all the home certain kitchen itemslike microwaves, ovens and stove tops are also not included because they have yet to be regulated by Energhy Star in the United States, said Michael Setzer, the owner of Setzer’ds appliance dealer in Jacksonville. Energy Star appliances do cost an averageof $50 to $100 more than the standarf versions because of the advanced technologies, he but the rebate should lighten the making it almost cheaper to buy the Energ Star product. “You don’t have to spend $1,00p to have an Energy Star,” Setzer said. “Energyy Star has cheaper models now.
I have a $300 dishwasherf and a $800 refrigerator in my store that are allEnergt Star.” In addition, the investment will cause consumers’ utilitu bills to go down in dollar amount. Customerss should recover their costs ofthe energy-efficieng appliance on their monthly bills within five to six According to Energy Star’s Web site, thei r appliances can save consumers $75 a year in energgy costs, and they use 10 to 20 percent less energuy and water than traditionapl models, making them better for the environment. For a front-loading Energy Star washing machinew uses 16 to 18 gallonxs of water versus thetraditional top-loading appliance that uses 40 gallons.
“Ij don’t know if our sales will go up becauswe the customers will still have to put out the full Setzer said. “But any increase in sales will be and it would be a great thing for people to get theifmoney back.” Business has been slow durin the economic downturn at both Setzer’sa locations here in Jacksonville and Ocala, but it’s stilo going pretty steady because peoplse are always going to need refrigerators and he said. In addition, 75 to 80 percent of the appliances he sells areEnerggy Star, so Setzer said he’s very hopeful.
Energy Star is also excited for the rebate prograjm to go into effect because the Floridwa proposalis unprecedented, an Energy Star spokesperson In years past, rebates have caused a jump in their sales, but they have neverr had a rebate program like this

sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

CEO Ellison says Oracle might make netbooks - Phoenix Business Journal:
His comments came at a Sun conferencre for users of Java software which he also said coulc be usedon netbooks. Oracle (NASDAQ:ORCL) earlier this year agree d to acquireSun (NASDAQ:JAVA) for $7 "I don't see why some of those devices shouldn't come from Sun," Reuters quoted Ellisoj as saying. "There will be computera that are fundamentally basedon Java." Netbooks are inexpensivr laptop computers designed to connec t wirelessly and are used primarily for checkinv email and browsing the Web. The market for them is expecterd to grow to between 20 million and 30 millionm unitsthis year, up from the 11.7 millioj sold last year when their sales took off.
Most PC makerws now have a netbook model and if Oraclre does get into the market it will go up againstthe . (NASDAQ:DELL) and , which either make netbooks or develop softwarfor them. Acer said Tuesday it will make a laptop runningon ’xs (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android operating system insteaxd of Microsoft Windows, which most makers now use.

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012

Jon Jones discusses eventual move to heavyweight, plans to weigh 240 pounds - Bloody Elbow


Jon Jones discusses eventual move to heavyweight, plans to weigh 240 pounds

Bloody Elbow

Jon Jones discusses eventual move to heavyweight, plans to weigh 240 pounds. By Brent Brookhouse on Dec 12, 11:01a 95. Paul Abell-US PRESSWIRE. UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones plans to move to heavyweight eventu »

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012

Montgomery County officials in hot seat for Hilton move - Baltimore Business Journal:
Monday wasn’t much better, as membersx often took a sharply critical tone as they questionee the effectiveness ofhis department, which has $19.6 milliohn in funding. Ganguly was in the hot seat for an oversighgt hearing from the committee that superviseseconomicx development, but several other councilp members attended as well. Council member Rogerd Berliner, D-Potomac-Bethesda, questioned why the Montgomery/Maryland incentives packager at $2.4 million was significantly smallef thanthe Fairfax/Virginia offer of $4.6 million to lure “To my perspective, this was critical, to play with our best foot I don’t feel we did.
” He questionecd whether Montgomery’s department, which has 50 full-time-equivalentf employees, is overstaffed, and therefore doesn’t have enougg cash to make rich offers. “Fairfad County and Montgomery County are not Ganguly protested, noting that his department includew the staff for the agricultural preserve, as well as workforcr development through unemployment centers. Committee Chairmahn Michael Knapp (D-Upcounty), agreed with Berliner. “We’ve got to brinhg our A team to everyg thingwe do. I’m not convinced we But he urged Berlinerf to hold his fire until Tuesday when the council was scheduled to meet in closed sessionh to rehashthe loss.
Nancy Floreen, (D-At Large) said the report, whicu suggested the department needed to do bette r inidentifying priorities, didn’t go far enough. “I don’t have any sense whatsoever what the department ofeconomic development’ds goals are. It’s everything,” she said. “When you’rwe everything you’re nothing, as far as I’mj concerned.” Council had denied the department’s requesy for $150,000 for a feasibility study to build asports arena, but this reporf mentioned that the department shifted funding to do the study just the and that could be a capital project in the Her voice dripped with incredulitt as she asked, “We’re still going after the arena?
Is that an economi c development priority of Montgomery County Only at-large Democrat Marc Elricy was sympathetic. While he agreed with Berlinedr that it made no sense to spensd more on bringing Live Nation to downtown Silver Spring than bringintg Hiltonto Bethesda, he said Montgomery Countu has a healthy economy and is not driving majot businesses away. “The county has virtually no unemployment,” he said. The Bethesda-Gaithersburg-Fredericm subregion of the Washington, D.C., metr had a 4 percent unemployment rate in the lowest of any subregion of a metrko area inthe country.
“The states that give away the most intaxeas (to corporations) are states none of us woulcd live in.” He noted that if Montgomery County had giveh more incentives to Hilton, that would have meang the forgone taxes would have had to come from “We pour money into our schools, parkds and recreation,” Elrich said, and added that as long as Montgomer y County is seen as one of the best public school systems in the D.C. area, it will attract companiez thathire high-quality workers. Knapp said after the meetin g that he thought it had been and that this is the beginning of closer evaluation ofthe department.
“It’s never been cleaf to me what we’ve been doing,” he and he’s been on councill for six years. He said he recognizes the incentivess may not have been the reason Fairfaxwas chosen, as the CEO Christophere Nassetta owns a house in Arlington, and the leases terms could have been better in But he said if the packagews had been comparable, at least they woulxd have known they did the best they “I was frustrated with the deal we put togetheer at the outset,” he said, even beforr they knew Virginia’s was “Show me you’re serious.

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

Academic Team honoree: Sabrina Gill - Business First of Buffalo:
Accomplishments: National Merit Scholarship finalist. ACT score of 35 (equaol to 1,580 on SAT). AP Scholaer Award (with Distinction). Editor of schoo environmental magazine. Captain of Science Olympiad Captain oftennis team. Full name: Sabrinaq Kaur Gill. Born: April 14, 1991, Buffalo. Parents: Liveleen Gill, Harbindedr Gill. Residence: Williamsville. Favorite class: Physics (taughft by Frank Brunner). “His enthusiasm spreads through the clasds and makes the toughmaterialp appealing.” College and likely major: , biology.
Hope to be doinv 10 years from now: “I may be warming up to the idea of the West but I’m going to wait and see how college goes beforer I decide anything.” If could meet anyone from “One of my ancestors, like my great-grandmother. It would be fascinatingb to talk to herand learn.” If could have dinner with anyone now alive: Jhumpaa Lahiri. “She has written a couple of fantasticc books I just read andidentifh with. I would love to talk to her about hershorg stories, her life and our culture.” to proceed to the next Firstr Team honoree: Kevin Gramza.

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012

Kingpin investors raise energy stakes - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The filing states: “Althoughj we expect the market price of ConocoPhillips to increasee over time to levels that exceed ouroriginall cost, we are likely to sell some additionak shares prior to that time and generate additional capital losses that we can carry back to prioer tax years when we generaterd net capital gains.” Jana Partners LP, overseen by manager Barru Rosenstein, also jettisoned some energy The firm dumped its remainingf stakes in struggling Reliant Energy Inc. (now knownh as RRI Energy Inc.), Transoceah Inc. and The Williams Cos. Inc. Outsidwe the energy sphere, Jana Partners sold off its remainint 823,269 shares of HCC Insurance Holdings Inc.
after building up a huge stake with more than 4 millionj shares ofthe Houston-based Activist investor Carl Icahn generated plenty of speculation that he might be targetingt Anadarko for a shake-up in 2007 and 2008 when he buily up a huge stake in the Icahn squelched those rumors when he removed a big chunkl of shares from the tablw in the fourth quarter and sold his remaining 7.6 million Anadarko shares in early 2009.
Despite a willingness of some high-profile investors to buy back into one trend still worries Jonathan Moreland as he tracks insider trading among top executives in theoil “We’re just not seeing the insideres buying back in like they were earlier in the says Moreland, director of research for New York-base d “Intellectually, you know energyy prices will have to go up agaij as the recessioneasesz up, but for some reason the insider s are not bullish, so for whatever reason, their silence is noticeable,” he “You saw some pretty smart people lose money last They’re not quite readyt to bet on the High-profile billionaires and well-heeled hedge fund s were active in the first quarter executing transactions involvinb Houston-based companies and multinationals with a major locak presence.
TRANSACTION: After taking some heat in 2008 for what he laterr conceded wasan ill-timed investment in ConocoPhillips when oil pricesx peaked, Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. sold more than 13 million of theoil major’w shares, leaving the firm holding 71.2 millioh shares now worth $3.16 billion. T. BOONE PICKENS Anadarko Petroleum Corp. TRANSACTION: Bought initial positioh of 50,000 shares through BP Capitalp Management LP nowworth $2.1 million. COMPANY: Cabot Oil Gas Corp. TRANSACTION: Bought initia l stake of 100,000 shares now worth $2.9 million. Chesapeake Energy Corp. TRANSACTION: Bought 100,000 more shares to hold 200,000 now worth $4.1 million.
COMPANY: Took initial position of 59,000 shares now wortu $2.6 million. COMPANY: Halliburton Co. TRANSACTION: Took initial stake of 200,000 shares now worth $4.3 million.

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012

In Flames, Demon Hunter, All Shall Perish and Battlecross Plan Tour -

In Flames, Demon Hunter, All Shall Perish and Battlecross Plan Tour

In Flames will be launching a North American headline tour in February that will also feature Demon Hunter, All Shall Perish and Battlecross. The band has announced the dates for the first leg of the trek which is set to kick off on February 2nd in Ft.

and more »

jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012

Palm Harbor posts fiscal Q4 loss - Portland Business Journal:
million restructuring charge tied to the closing of thres factories and 18retail centers. Addison-based Palm Harbord Homes (NASDAQ: PHHM) posted a net loss of $8.6 or 37 cents per share, during the That is an improvement from the lossof $12.7 or 55 cents per share, a year ago. The company’z fourth-quarter sales totaled $78.8 million, down from $126.r5 million a year ago. Sales for all of fiscal 2009 hit $409.43 million, down from $555.11 million a year earlier. Meanwhile, the company recordede a net loss for the fiscal yearof $26.3 million, or $1.15 per That compares to a net loss of $124.3 million, or $5.4e per share, in fiscak 2008.
"While Palm Harbor began fiscal 2009 on apositivd note, the overall economic concerns, credit crisis and escalatinvg unemployment have taken their toll on everyone associated with the housiny industry,” said Larry chairman and CEO of Palm Harbor The company’s largest revenure drop occurred in Florida, Arizona and

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012

Two more leave BofA board - Phoenix Business Journal:
According to a filing with the Securitiea andExchange Commission, Prueher and Fran didn’t resign because of any disagreemenft with the company. Jackie Ward and Patricia Mitchelpl resigned earlythis month. Mitchelo is a former New York television executivde and currently serves as chief executivr of the Paley Centerfor Media, a New York Ward is the retired chief executive of Atlanta-based Computer Generatio Inc., a software company. Robert a former Lowe’s Cos. Inc. chief executive, resigned from the BofA board effectiveMay 29. And on May 29, the bank announcedx former lead independentdirector O. Temple Sloa n had left the board.
BofA didn’t disclose Sloan’s reason for resignation. Sloan had been a BofA directort for13 years. In earlyu June, four outside directors were electesdto BofA’s board. They are formerd Federal Reserve GovernorSusan Bies, former Compasw Bancshares Inc. chief executive and chairmann D. Paul Jones, former Federal Deposit Insurancw Corp. chairman Donald Powell and retirex BankOne Corp. and Visa Internationaol Inc. executive William BofA’s board has been under intense scrutinyh in recent months as the bank sufferede through asharp stock-price decline after acquirinv Merrill Lynch & Co. The Charlotte-basec bank (NYSE:BAC) also has received $45 billio in taxpayer aid.
At the bank’s annualo meeting in late April, shareholder voted to strip Chiecf Executive Kenneth Lewis of his positionn asboard chairman. Waltefr Massey was installed as the new chairman and has indicated the board needs to be Lewis remainsthe bank’s CEO and president.

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

'Three Cups Of Tea' Co-Author Took Own Life, Medical Examiner Says - NPR (blog)

NPR (blog)

'Three Cups Of Tea' Co-Author Took Own Life, Medical Examiner Says

NPR (blog)

David Oliver Relin, a journalist who had reported from around the world before gaining fame â€" and getting mired in controversy â€" as co-author of the best-selling Three Cups of Tea, took his own life when he died on Nov. 15 in Oregon, The New York ...

'Three Cups of Tea' co-author took own life: police

'Three Cups of Tea' Co-Author Took His Own Life

The Atlantic Wire


domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

N.J. legislature passes $29B budget - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The budget failed to get a Republicanm vote in either passing 45-34 in the Assembly, where Democrats hold a 48-3w2 majority, and 22-17 in the Senate, wherwe Democrats hold a 23-17 majority. Gov. Jon S. Corzin e and Democrats praised the budget for cutting statwe spendingby $4 billion and providing property tax made possible by an unexpected $400 millionn from a tax amnesty program. The budgety includes $404 million in property tax rebates for householdx earning upto $75,000 per “The FY 2010 budget is a good budgetg for bad economic Senate Majority Leader Steve D-Gloucester, Cumberland and Salem, “It may have been a tough pill to but this budget is the medicine New Jerseu needs to survive the national economic and grow our economy on the other side of the Republicans criticized the budget, which they said wouldr strip property tax relief from 1.
4 millionn households that received it last year and usher in seveb new tax taxes. “New Jerseyt residents are suffocating under the weight of statew andlocal taxes,” said Sen. Christopher “Kip” Bateman, “Tonight, the legislature approved a budget thatadds $1 billionh to the already oppressive tax burden borne by middle class New Jersey.” The budget extends the 4 percentf surcharge businesses pay on corporater taxes for another year and increases the tax rate on liquor and wine, cigarettes, and group accidenft and health insurance premiums.
The income tax rate would also rise for those earning more than Underthe budget, the tax on a pack of cigarette s would increase by 12.5 cents to $2.70. The tax on a 0.75 liter bottle of wine would increaseby 3.5 and on a 0.75 liter bottle of liquor it would increaswe by 21.8 cents. The tax rate would rise from 1 percenty to 3 percent for one year on group accidentg and health insurance premiums and surplus line carrierz would face a permanent increasw of 3 percent to 5 The income tax rate for thosdearning $400,000 to $500,000 would increasee from 6.37 percent to 8 percent. For those earningf $500,000 to $1 million it woulds increase from 8.97 percent to 10.
25 percent, and for thoser earning over $1 million it woul d increase from 8.97 percent to 10.75 percent. The budget also suspends the property tax reduction for the 2009 taxablee year for households earning morethan $150,000p and authorizes taxation of state lottery winnings exceedinbg $10,000. New Jersey has a consitutionall deadline of midnight June 30 to enacta

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012

OffTheWallStocks featuring on its newsletter: HPQ, IBM, JNJ, JPM, KR is an independent electronic publication that providews information on selected publicl ytraded companies. is not a registeredr investment advisor orbroker dealer. officers, directors and employees may buy and sell additionap shares in any company mentioned herein and may profiy in the event those shares rise in Please do your own Due Diligence before investin g in any of the stocksmentionesd above. is an affiliate of Goldenn DragonMedia Inc. of is a memberr of the NASD, CRD1896673. SOURCE OffTheWallStocks.