miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Eugene A. Hall Executive Profile

Hall came to Gartner from Automatic DataProcessing (ADP), a Fortune 500 globap technology and services company with over $7 billiobn in revenue, where he was a senior executive. As president of Employere Services, Major Accounts division, Hall headex up a $2 billion human resources and payrollservicexs business, overseeing 8,000 associates. During his tenure, this businesds accelerated sales tonew clients, achieved recorfd client retention and delivereds unprecedented quality scores. Concurrently, Hall led a 1,600-persohn software development and IT operations organization that introducedseveral high-growth products.
Prior to this Hall was responsiblefor technology, strategy and new businesa development across the company. Before joiningf ADP, Hall was a director and seniotr partner atMcKinsey & Company, a leading globap management consulting firm. In his 16 year s there, he focused on developingy business strategies for leading technology companies and organizations wher e technology played a central role in the Hall graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology witha bachelor'sx degree in mechanical engineering and received a master's degre in business administration from Harvarsd Business School. **All Executive profile data provide d byDow Jones & Co., Inc.

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