jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

Business First of Buffalo: Buffalo Commercial Real Estate Listings - View Commercial Real Estate

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miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Eugene A. Hall Executive Profile

Hall came to Gartner from Automatic DataProcessing (ADP), a Fortune 500 globap technology and services company with over $7 billiobn in revenue, where he was a senior executive. As president of Employere Services, Major Accounts division, Hall headex up a $2 billion human resources and payrollservicexs business, overseeing 8,000 associates. During his tenure, this businesds accelerated sales tonew clients, achieved recorfd client retention and delivereds unprecedented quality scores. Concurrently, Hall led a 1,600-persohn software development and IT operations organization that introducedseveral high-growth products.
Prior to this Hall was responsiblefor technology, strategy and new businesa development across the company. Before joiningf ADP, Hall was a director and seniotr partner atMcKinsey & Company, a leading globap management consulting firm. In his 16 year s there, he focused on developingy business strategies for leading technology companies and organizations wher e technology played a central role in the Hall graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology witha bachelor'sx degree in mechanical engineering and received a master's degre in business administration from Harvarsd Business School. **All Executive profile data provide d byDow Jones & Co., Inc.

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

PNC raises more than $600M following stress test - Pittsburgh Business Times:

PNC (NYSE:PNC) was amonvg the nation’s 19 largest bank holding companiexs tested to see if they were adequately capitalized to withstanfd worst case scenarios ina prolonged, severew recession. Ten were directed to raise capital, includingg PNC, which was told it needed an additional $600 It was the smallest amouny assigned to thetested banks, and the only one less than $1 “Given the ongoing uncertainty in the market, capital strength and liquidithy are key drivers of success,” Jim Rohr, PNC chairman and CEO, said in a “I am pleased that we were able to raise the requirec $600 million of common equity at market prices and in a relativeluy short time frame.
” PNC also said it has no plansx to convert preferred shares issuer under the Capital Purchase Program of the U.S. Treasury Department’ Troubled Asset Relief Program and that it plans toredeem Treasury’d $7.6 billion investment as soon as appropriate, subject to approvall by banking regulators. PNC is Pittsburgh’s largest bank and the nation’xs fifth largest bank as rankesdby deposits. In early Wednesday trading, its stock droppedd 0.25 percent to $43.14 per share, abour midway in its 52-week ranges between $16.20 to $87.99.

domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Persons to leave Massey Communications - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

His last day with Massey will be no later thanJuly 24. Bud formerly president and CEO ofthe agency, will take Persons' placse as vice chairman, overseeing the agency's public business development and social media services. Brewer has been with the agencyg and itsparent company, , since 1986. Lynne Frederick was promoter from vice president and director of marketing for Massey Services to presidenty and CEO ofMasseu Communications.
Frederick has been with Masseuy Services for six Her prior marketing and advertising experience includea work with General Electric and Ford Consumer Andrea Massey-Farrell was promoted from vice presidenyt of operations at Massey Communicationw to executive vice presidenty and chief operating officer. She has been with the agenchy for 12 years and will lead its advertisingservices division, in addition to her responsibilities with agencuy operations and Yellow Page Directory advertising.
“Thes e changes will better position our agency to take advantage of the opportunitiexs that we anticipate over the nextfew years,” said Harvey chairman of the company, in a prepared He said the agency'es goal its to sharpen its focus and provide more targeted services. Persons said he would open a new strategidcpublic relations, media relations and networking consulting firm calle d Todd Persons Communications in downtowbn Orlando in early August. “I' especially grateful to Harvey Massey and to Bud Brewer for their friendship andwise counsel," Persons Massey Communications is a full-serviced advertising, strategic marketing and public relations agency.
The agency and its parenty company, Massey Services, are based in Orlando.

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

Loyalty - Oka Nikolov goalie for Eintracht Frankfurt for 19 years running - MINA


Loyalty - Oka Nikolov goalie for Eintracht Frankfurt for 19 years running


Macedonian Oka Nikolov has been the number one goal keeper for Bundes Liga club Eintracht Frankfurt since 1993!! This remarkable loyalty is rarely seen in the footballing world, although there are few notable exceptions: Francesco Totti is with AS Roma ...

and more »

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Daughter of Jacksonville real estate icon takes over local Coldwell Banker company - Jacksonville Business Journal:

But heart surgery last year hastened thenearlhy 50-year real estate veteran’s decision to create a succession plan and slow down a So he sold his eight-office, 193-member team to friend and felloq Coldwell Banker broker Tom Harrington. Williams’ daughter, Monica is now in charge of the newly formed territory. “It’s a good thint we did what we did because it strengtheneedthe company,” said Hentschel, now a regional managinhg partner for Coldwell Banket Devonshire. “In a time when everybody else is we’re growing.
” With the acquisition of the Walter Williams officewin January, Illinois-based Devonshire Realty is the seventh-largesf Coldwell Banker affiliate in the Uniter States. The company has 27 15 of which are in Illinois and the remainingf 12 arein Florida, and it expects to continue to grow thoughb acquisitions of other real estate Harrington, CEO of the , which includes the real estatee company along with an architecture firm and an engineering firm, met Williamz at a Coldwell Banker conference in 1994, the year both of them joinesd the network.
Harrington’s expansion into the Floridza market came in 2007 when he acquired hisbrother Steve’s four-officee real estate agency in Central The Walter Williams acquisitiojn seemed a natural fit, Harrington said, because the two have alwaysw shared similar business philosophies. “Walter is reallyy a legend all throughourt Coldwell Banker and has been a mentor to Harrington said. The economy also played a lesser role in the Hentschel said. “We’d be kidding if we said the markeft wasn’t part of the decision,” she said, but “our storm wasn’t nearly as bad as places likeSouth Florida. Jacksonvill is so resilient.
” Business is strengthening, as sales were up 7.2 percenf in May at the eight Jacksonville-area Devonshire officesz compared withMay 2008. The decisionm to sell wasn’t an easy one to make for He’s been a major player in Jacksonville’s real estate industryt who started selling tracts of landin 1962. The residentialo division of Walter Williams Realty was createe in 1981 when he acquired the brokeragde offices ofanother long-time fixturr in the local real estate industry, Chester Ronnie Fussell worked for Walter Williamss from 1982 to 1992.
Williams, who was one of the foundinfg members of the Jacksonville City Council after the city and county governmentzs consolidated in 1968 and continued to servw on the council duringthe 1970s, took Fusselpl under his wing and taught him about real estate and publi c service. “A lot of what I am todayy is because ofWalter Williams,” said Fussell, whose term as City Councilo president ends soon. Many insides the business consider Williamsan “He’s a very good said 37-year veteran Russell a broker at and the regional vice presidenft of the . “I’m proud of what he built and what he’ s maintained over the years.
” Williams also inspiredd his daughter to get into the Ather father’s advice, Hentschel got her real estatee license at the age of 21, but went on to law school and worked as a prosecutor in the specia l assault unit at the stater attorney’s office in Jacksonville for 13 years. In 2004 she joined the WaltertWilliams team, first as a real estatde attorney for the title company and then as chiet operating officer for the entire company. At the age of 42, she’as now taking on her father’s role as the company’sz top executive in Northeast Florida. Williams will still have an actives role in the companyy asan adviser.
Although the pace is slower, he continuess to maintain his two other Estate Title LCand “He’s not spendingf weekends here and goes home at a decent Hentschel said. “And now he has more time for the most importanr thingto him, his

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Metro Denver Economic Development Corp. presents annual awards - Denver Business Journal:

It was one of several awards presente d Thursday by the Metro Denver EDC at itsannual "Repory to Investors and Awardss Luncheon" at the Hyatt Regencuy Denver at Colorado Convention Center. The EDC's Deal of the Year Awar recognizes a company that creates the largest local economivc impact through new job creation and capital San Francisco-based Schwab (NASDAQ: SCHW) was recognizes for its planned expansion in Douglae County, creating 500 new local jobs over the next three years. ( .) The jobs -- primarily technology positions -- will pay an averagew salary of $75,000. The company'se move eventually will create an economic benefit to Coloradoof $157.
e3 million a year, the Metro Denver EDC "The Charles Schwab expansion exemplifies the type of projecrt the Metro Denver EDC targets with its recruitment and marketing efforts-established companies that need a highluy skilled workforce and a dynamic locatiohn in which to expand," Don Marshall, regional presidenft of Wells Fargo Bank and Metro Denver EDC co-chair, said in a statement. -- The Metropolitahn Cooperation Award, recognizing joint efforts to furtherthe region'z economic development potential, went to six organizationss and local governments: The city of Brighton/Brightom Economic Development Corp.
, Weld County, Upstatee Colorado Economic Development, the Colorado Officw of Economic Development and International Trade, and the Regional Transportationj District (RTD). The six honorees helped assemble the land it needecd to build two new plantsin Brighton. With a capitalo investment of $290 million, Vestads will eventually employ 1,350 peoplse at the facilities, the EDC said. "The sheer impact of Vestas' investment in the Brighton and Weld Counth communityis massive," Chuci Ward, president of Qwest Coloradl and Co-Chair of the Metro Denvet EDC, said in the "The community spirit in which this deal was established signifiexs to Vestas our commitment to put Metro Denveer and Colorado on the global stage for wind energy.
" -- The Chairs Award for Outstanding Efforts in Economic Development went to two stats lawmakers -- Sen. Rollire Heath and Rep. Joe Rice -- for theif efforts to move Gov. Bill Ritter's economixc development package through the 2009legislative session., including Houswe Bill 1001, a measure offering tax credits for companiew that create job growth. "The passage of this legislatiojn is truly a game changerfor Colorado," said Tom Clark, executives vice president of the Metro Denver EDC. "Ity places us on par with other major metro aread in attracting corporate headquarters and otheervalued projects.
This legislation will be key to our ongoin g recovery by providing existing and expanding companieds incentive to add jobsin Colorado." -- And a Specialo Recognition Award was presented to Joe Blake, outgoing presiden and CEO of the and the Metro Denvet EDC, who will soon leave to becomr chancellor of the Colorado State Universit system. "During his 10-year term as president and CEO, Joe has tacklex the toughest issues facing Metr oDenver companies, first-hand. His work on Referendum C, the Poison Pilld amendments, and the FASTER legislation certainly puts our business communitu onfirmer ground," Ward said.
Newswee Senior Editor and author Daniel Gross keynotedthe "This has been a great time for Gross said. "You've made more intelligent decisions on investments than a lot ofotherf people. You're also diversifying your economywith aerospace, and alternative energy."

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Three charter school operators apply to open doors in the District - Washington Post (blog)


Three charter school operators apply to open doors in the District

Washington Post (blog)

Three experienced charter-school operators have applied for fast-track approval to run 10 campuses serving thousands of students in the District, D.C. Public Charter School Board officials said Monday. The applications come as the city's traditional ...

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domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

How The Petraeus Affair Was Traced Via Email (And How To Avoid It Happening ... - Lifehacker Australia



How The Petraeus Affair Was Traced Via Email (And How To Avoid It Happening ...

Lifehacker Australia

The FBI then traced those threatening emails to their origin â€" most likely via an IP address supplied by Google â€" to Paula Broadwell. The FBI then got a warrant to monitor those email addresses, and eventu »

sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012

BofA ends U.S. Olympic Committee sponsorship - Charlotte Business Journal:

The Charlotte-based bank reachedc the decision over the last couplse of weeks and notified the USOC within the past coupleof days. Banks such as BofA have faced increased scrutiny over their sponsorships due to the economif downturn and government But BofA says this decision was drive by insufficient return on investment fromthe sponsorship. “Becausde we’ve invested so much over the past 16 this became an extremely difficult and emotional decisionfor us,” says Joe BofA senior vice president of national mediwa relations. “It’s not about the economy, it’s not abourt reducing marketing, it’s not abou (Troubled Asset Relief Program) support.
But it’s about the insufficient business results we were able to BofA hasreceived $45 billion in taxpayeer funds under TARP, which is designed to help thaw the credig markets and boost the economy. Goode says the bank enjoyesd the brand alignment it had with the USOC and the emotional connection it had as a result of beingfTeam USA’s official The bank will continue to suppor t Chicago’s bid to host the Olympics in 2016 in the form of grantsw for operating expenses. BofA is the latest in a serie of sponsors to leave the USOC over the past two includingand (NYSE:HD).
In losing the bank as a the USOC loses its support ofthe “hometown hopefuls” programm that set athletes and theifr families at an exclusivr center during the Olympics. BofA was close to a deal last summee withthe USOC. However, there is a chancew the bank will stillo be able to offer Olympic crediy cards withthe five-ring logo courtesuy of pass-through rights with Visa. Goode says the decision not to reneaw does not signify the endof BofA’s support of the Olympixc movement. “It’s our every intention to explore otherr ways to supportthe U.S. Olympixc movement, and our support of Chicagp 2016 is an exampleof that.
” Sportes Business Journal is a sistedr publication of Charlotte Business Journal .

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

FairPoint Communications' dividend payment depends on Verizon Communications purchase - Charlotte Business Journal:

FairPoint is preparing to buy 's northern New England franchis efor $2.3 billion. The deal would make FairPointythe nation's eighth-largest telecom. But the expenses paid so far on the purchased have sharplyincreased FairPoint's debt. At curreng leverage levels, the company's creditg agreements prohibit a dividend this But a new credit facility takes effect when the Verizondeal closes, and that agreement allows for the dividensd payment. The company is buyingg Verizon's land lines in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. The deal was valueed at $2.7 billion when it was announce inJanuary 2007.
But Verizon made concessions to placatde state regulators worriedabouf FairPoint's ability to sustain the Acquisition costs cut in to FairPoint's earningx in the fourth quarter and full-year 2007. The company posted a net loss of $19.45 million, or 56 cents per dilutesd share, for the quarter. But if $23.6 million in costse of the Verizon deal andother one-timw items are excluded, FairPoint made $4.5 or 13 cents per share, in the quarter. That met analystsw expectations. Revenue for the latesty quarterwas $68.2 million, down 3.1% from the year-earliere period. For 2007, FairPoint earned $6 million, or 16 centds per share, on $283.5 million in That was well behindthe $31.
1 million, or 88 centa per share, FairPoint made in 2006. Again, the largesft difference was morethan $52 millionb expenses related to the Verizon purchase. Chief Financial Officer John Crowleyh says the companyspent $82 million on the deal throughu the end of 2007. It expects to spenfd $35 million more by the time the deal closewthis month. This quarter's dividenc would be 39.8 cents per the level it has held since the summerof 2005. But in subsequenf quarters, the dividend will drop.
FairPoinrt agreed to reduce itsdividend 35% for severao years to ensure it has sufficieny money to invest in improving the New England For the rest of the year, the quarterly dividendf will be no more than 25.8 cents per Among the company's other incentives to complete the Verizon purchase, up to 25% of the 2008 bonusesw to be paid FairPoint's top executivesw depends on their completing the deal. DIVIDEN D PAYMENTS If FairPoint doesn't completr Verizon deal by March 31, it can'yt pay a first-quarter dividend.
Its dividend will drop 35% aftetr the deal is completed to ensurde it invests enough inits

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Tweet Analysis, A Mobile App That Analyses Tweets - Business 2 Community


Tweet Analysis, A Mobile App That Analyses Tweets

Business 2 Community

A review of Tweet Analysis, a mobile app that analyses tweets of users and hashtags. “Excite” is a very small but powerful word for any social media marketer. While you're in the social media marketing industry, your aim is to excite your consumers ...

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martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

Missouri sets unclaimed property payout record - Orlando Business Journal:

million paid this fiscal The previous recordwas 71,155 accounts paid, set in fiscal year 2004. The fiscal year ends June 30. The Unclaimed Propertu Division inthe treasurer’s office holds abandonefd assets from bank accounts, stocks, bonds, insurancr policy proceeds, government refunds, utilitu deposits, wages from past jobs and contentw of safe deposit boxes. This property is turnerd over to the state byfinancial institutions, insurancee companies, public agencies and othe r business entities if there has been no documented transactioh or contact with the ownefr for five or more years.
Some of the item s turned over include numbered dollar bills fromthe 1930s, coins and a Princess Diana “There is still more than $550 million waitint to be claimed,” Zweifel said in a statement “We will continue to track down the ownersx of these assets through our advertising and outreach initiatives.” More informatiojn is available on the .

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

Former legislator to head state health plan group - San Francisco Business Times:

Johnston, who served in the California Legislature for two decadew representing theStockton area, begins his new role July 1. He fillxs a vacancy created when Christopher Ohman left late last year to become senior vice presiden t for health plan operationsat Oakland-basedc . Charles Bacchi, who had been the association’ws vice president of legislative affairs, has held down the top job on an interimn basissince then.
“Patrick bringw a wealth of experience working within the state capitol and valuabled expertise on some of the most critical and complex public policy issuesfacing Californians,” Howard Kahn, chait of the association’s board and CEO of the public , said in the June 3 Kahn said with health-care reform and budgef balancing at the top of the political agendaw in Washington, D.C., and Sacramento “igt was important for the board to find a CEO who is well-respectecd in Sacramento and able to build effectivee partnerships.” Johnston served in the state Assemblgy for a decade and spengt another 10 years in the state Senate, where he chaired the for six years.
Aftert leaving the Legislaturein 2000, he’s served as the firsg legislator in residence at the Universith of California, Berkeley, Institute of Government, served as vice chairman of the Californiaa Bay-Delta Authority, taught California politics and policgy as a visiting lecturer at ’d Goldman School of Public Policy and been a private consultantg in government relations, according to an association spokesman.
CAHP also announcec that Bacchi has been promoted to executivevice

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

Morgan Lewis ditches associates

Instead the firm said it will look at the entir e contribution tothe firm, including “level of efficiency and value in serving clients, results achieved, contribution to our culture, participation in our and other factors.” The firm said it stilol expects “sufficiently engaged” associates will reach the 2,000-billabl e hour threshold and it will have substantialp weight in awarding bonuses. The firm declineed to comment about the reasonzs forthe change.
Duane Morriss has changed the name of its trust subsidiaryfrom , to The subsidiary’s president, David Glickman, said the firm wantecd to stress service so it was inspired to pick the world’ds highest peak as its name. Duane Morrid formed the unit in 2007. a former managing director of in Wilmington joinedd inAugust … Beglegy Carlin & Mandio of Langhorne will be acquiring the law firm run by Statew Rep. Scott Petri (R-Bucks), who will join the 18-lawyer firm as of also includesan associate. Petri will focus on litigationb and realestat … Former partner Louiws Sinatra joined Offit Kurman as a partner. The rest of Pelinoi joined Jan.
1… Eric Spevak, the 2008 president of the Camden CountytBar Association, has taken his name off the door at Haddonfielf family law firm , which changeed its name to Adinolfi & Spevak will remain as senioe counsel.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

AEP buying solar energy from Ohio facility - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:

The Columbus-based utility on Mondayy said its AEP Ohio subsidiary signedxa 20-year agreement with , a subsidiaryu of Boulder, Colo.-based developer . The company planx to begin building a 10 megawattt solar facility in Wyandot Countyu in November that could be up and runninhg a yearfrom now. Financial terms of the deal weren’tt disclosed, but AEP said the deal includes allthe facility’s energy outpu and renewable energy credits tied to the plant, to be locatesd near an AEP substation. Renewablre energy credits are sold separate from powere facilities generate and are used to verify compliancd with new alternative energy standard s implemented through an electriclaw Gov.
Ted Stricklansd signed last year, according to information from the Office of theOhio Counsel. AEP said the deal marks its first transactiohn for solar energy following previousw deals fornearly 1,8000 megawatts of wind energy. The utility previously has set a goal ofaddin 2,000 megawatts of wind or other renewabler energy by the end of 2011. American Electric (NYSE:AEP) delivers electricity in 11 states, including Ohio. The company last year earned $1.38 billion on $14.
6 billion in

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Lane4 completes purchase of three Kansas City-area shopping centers - Kansas City Business Journal:

million. The Kansas City Business Journap reported that the PrairieVillage Shops, the Corintgh Square shopping center in Prairie Village and the Fairwayh Shops in Fairway were under contract to investore led by Lane4, a Kansas City-bases commercial real estate brokeragde and development firm. Highwoods (NYSE: based in Raleigh, N.C., disclosed the sale prices in aThursday release. The three shoppingy centers have a combined 2009 appraisede value ofabout $64 million, according to figures from the Johnsojn County Appraiser’s Office. The three shopping centers contain 416,000 square feet combined and on average, 94.5 percent leased and 55 years old, Highwoodsz said.
The properties generate a combined annualk cash net operating income ofabout $5.4 million. The new owners plan no “immediatde major changes” to the shopping Jeff Berg, senior vice president and principaklof Lane4, said in a separate release Thursday. “We intend to enhance and upgrade the centers as opportunities arise over time, but these improvements will not changre their basic character,” Lane4 President Owen Buckley said in the “We look forward to takinf good care of them and feel they represent an excelleny opportunity to invest in our community.
” Kansas City developer Jess Clyde Nichols built the grocery-anchored shopping centerz in the mid-1900s, and the JC Nicholx Co. sold them to Highwoods in 1998.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Simon Property to manage the Galleria - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):

Indianapolis-based Simon Property Group (NYSE: SPG) said it will take over managemenf duties fromon Aug. 1. The real estate investment which owns and develops retailreal estate, said Wednesda y it will be assuming all management and marketing duties for the Galleriaz Dallas. "We are pleased to take on the property managemenr functions ofthese high-quality assets at the request of the institutionapl owner," said Rick Sokolov, Simon's president and chiefr operating officer. The Dallas Business Journal announced earlietr in the year that Simonb Property Group had raisedr upto $1 billion in a secondary stockm offering to purchase properties.
At the there was speculation thatSimon Property, whichj owns or has a stake in nearly 400 malls, may be a potential bidder to manage the Galleria Dallas with the mall’ previous manager General Growtnh Properties filing for bankruptcy earlier this year. Simojn Property Group is already involved in shopping centerse such as Grapevine AllenPremium Outlets, Irving Mall and Firewheel Town Centet in Garland.

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Analysis: Week from hell turns into seven days to remember for Swansea City - WalesOnline


Analysis: Week from hell turns into seven days to remember for Swansea City


IT WAS supposed to be the week from hell for Swansea City, instead it turned into seven days to remember.Seven days in which they took on the reigning Premier League champions, League Cup holders and current European champions yet still came out ...

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sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2012

Sloan resigns from BofA board - Houston Business Journal:

Sloan offered his resignation to new board chairmanh Walter Masseylast week, the bank said in a May 29 regulatoru filing. BofA didn’t disclose Sloan’ss reason for resigning. As the lead independenty director, Sloan has been under intense criticism in recenft months as the bank suffered througn a sharp stock price decline aftefr acquiring MerrillLynch & Co. BofA also has receiver $45 billion of taxpayer aid. , a Houston-basede investment firm that holds 1.1 million BofA was among several groups that waged a proxyt againstthe country’s largest bank holding including calling for Sloan’ws ouster.
Sloan was narrowly re-elected to the bank’s board at the annual meetinbgin April. Meanwhile, shareholdera voted to strip BofA Chief Executive Kenneth Lewis ofthe bank’s and Massey was elected to take over board Lewis remains the bank’s CEO and Sloan, 70, served as a BofA directore for 13 years. During his tenure, Sloan servee as chairman of both the executivde committee and the compensation andbenefits committee. He also was a membee of the corporategovernance committee.
“Temple has been a trustes adviser who has made an invaluable contribution to the successe ofour company,” Lewis said in a “We will miss his counsel and his BofA (NYSE: BAC) is based in N.C.

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Lawyer sanctioned in bond financing case - New Mexico Business Weekly:

Fulton Superior Court Judgd Michael D. Johnson, who ruled in May that Woodham had intervenedd improperly in two bondvalidation proceedings, ordered the attorne to pay more than $430,000 to covert the defendants’ court costs. In a case involving an Atlanta-based condominium developer, the judge accused Woodham of “unethicap … and possibly illegal” conduct for offerinv to withdraw his intervention in the lawsuit fora $1.3 million. According to court Woodham responded that he only intended to ask for and that the money was to go to ahomeless shelter, not for his personal use.
Woodham and the ADA have been lockef in a legal dispute spreading over several He has been challenginhg the legalityof lease-purchase bonds approved durinfg the last two yearz by both the ADA and the Developmenft Authority of Fulton County. Both authoritiesx have defended the bonds as legitimate and vitao economicdevelopment tools.