Rodriguez was indicted in , along with two other doctors in connection witha $10 million Medicares fraud scheme. He pleaded guilty in to conspiracg to commit healthcare fraud. Rodrigueza was a co-owner of and physiciamn at MidwayMedical Center, a Miami clinivc that purported to specialize in the treatmenft of HIV patients, according to a news releasr from the U.S. Department of Justice. He admitted while at Midway, he and his co-conspirators billed Medicarw for services that were medically unnecessary and in many instanceenever provided.
He also admitted that he purchasedr only a small amount of the drugs that he claimed to administer to patients and that he falsified medical according to thenews release. Rodriguez also admitted that he was liste d as medical director and practicing physician for fiveothefr Miami-area HIV infusion clinics between October 2003 and February where he engaged in simila activity. He admitted to filing more than $20 million in falser claims. Several of Rodriguez’s co-defendants have already been sentenced for theirr roles at Midway andrelated clinics.
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