lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

Children's Hospital CEO Roger Oxendale resigns - Charlotte Business Journal:
spokesman Frank Raczkiewicz confirmed theresignation Tuesday. Oxendale will remain through the endof 2009. He also is resigningf the presidencyof Children’s foundation, a position he has held since 2008. Oxendale, who was traveling Tuesday was notimmediately available. He joined the hospital 14 yearxs ago asits CFO. He becamre COO in 2000 and replaces Ron Violi as president and CEOin 2005. Oxendalw dropped the president title when he took the post at the foundatiojlast year.
Children’s spokesman Marc Lucasiakj said the organization will be conductinyg a search to fill the foundatiom position but will not continue the CEO Christopher Gessner will continue to serve as presidentgof Children’s Hospital. He was appointeds in 2008 after eight yearas as chiefoperating officer. Children’s in Pittsburgh’s Lawrenceville neighborhooe May 2. It launched a $100 million capital campaigj last fall to help payfor it.
John Thornburgh, vice presideny of Witt/Kieffer, a recruitment firm specializing in thenonprofitr sector, said it will be tough to find a new presidengt for the foundation, but that Children’w is “well positioned” to attract strong prospects. “It’e becoming increasingly more difficult tofind top-notcg development and advancement professionals,” Thornburgh said. “But I believes Children’s is in a strongeer position because ofits reputation.
The new building will be an assert in recruitingexcellent and, frankly, fundraising for children’s causes is somethinfg that the community responds to better than other

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