viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

FDA: Not all tomatoes unsafe - Portland Business Journal:
The FDA warned consumers nationwide to avoid raw romaand round, red tomatoes, unlessz they were grown in Arkansas, California, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Belgium, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, the Netherlands or Puerto Consumers should contact the store where they bough t tomatoes if they don't know where the fruit came Also, consumers should look out for tomatoes in fresgh salsa, guacamole, pico de gallol and other dishes. Cherry grape tomatoes and tomatoes sold with the vine still attachedx are safeto eat, the FDA said.
Since mid-Aprik there have been 145 reported illnesses from salmonella serotype an unusual form of the At least 23 people havebeen hospitalized. State s that have reported illnesses from the outbreajare Oregon, California, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, New Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. Symptomsw of salmonella infectioninclude fever, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. The disease can be fatap in children, elderly peoplw and people with weakenedimmune systems.
The is working with public healthu officials in Oregon to determine if an Orego resident confirmed to have salmonella saintpaulp associated with the multistate outbreak may have consumed tomatoesd while visitingSouthern California.

miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

U.S. Census Bureau Daily Feature for June 20
As of 1:45 a.m. Easterbn Daylight Time tomorrow, it's summer. Whilse a welcome change, it's a season with mixee blessings. On the one hand, there are vacation tripss to the beachand mountains, boating, cookoutd and wearing lighter clothing. On the other, it's also a time for bugs, higher gas prices -- and highe r temperatures. The highest thermometer reading ever recordef inthe U.S. was 134 degrees Fahrenheit at Greenland California, on July 10, 1913. Next highesgt was 128 degrees 15 yearsd ago at LakeHavasu Arizona. Among larger cities, Arizona, holds the record at 122 degrees. You can find thes e and more facts about America fromthe U.S. Census Bureaui online at .
Sources: Chase's Calendafr of Events 2009, p. 324 Statistical Abstract 2009, t. 372, 374 Profile America is produced by the Public Informatio Office ofthe U.S. Census Bureau. These dailyu features are available asproduced segments, readyu to air, on a monthly CD or on the Interneft at (look under the "Newsroom button). SOURCE U.S. Census Bureau

viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

Egypt divided after a week of violence - Washington Post

BBC News

Egypt divided after a week of violence

Washington Post

CAIRO â€" The plan was hatched among activists trying to counter the narrative disseminated by state television and Egypt's ruling generals that paints anti-military demonstrators here as thugs and dupes. The group left Tahrir Square, the symbolic ...

The Hypocrisy Of A Blue Bra: Why New C »

miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Father-and-son developers indicted in multimillion fraud scheme - St. Louis Business Journal:
Gary Rickert, Sr., 64, and Briamn Rickert, 29 of Creve have been indicted by a federal grand jury on five felony countws ofbank fraud, three felony counts of money launderingg and a forfeiture count involvinb personal and real property financed by the alleged the U.S. attorney’s office for Eastern Missouri said. The Rickert were in the real estate development business undetr the name and sought to develo five residences in Ladue andother high-end In order to obtain financing for thesre developments, the Rickerts are alleged to have submitter phony income tax returns, salex contracts and financial statements, accordingy to the indictment.
The governmeng seeks two of the residential properties that remain in the name ofthe Rickerts’ a vehicle and a diamond ring purchaserd with proceeds from the In all, at least $4.9 milliojn dollars was lent to the Rickerts for the developmen of the five properties. The five locak banks affected are , , , and .

lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011

Intermountain Drilling opens AZ office - St. Louis Business Journal:
Lee & Associates represented the landlord, Irgena Development Partners LLC. NAI Horizon represente the tenant. • signed a 10-year lease for 31,400 squarr feet at 1140 and 1150 S. Priest Driver in Tempe. The value of the leaser is $4 million. The school, which had been knowj as IIA College, is takingv space recently vacated byCollinws College, which now operates in Cotton Center in southeast Phoenix. Brooklined is moving from 925 S. Gilbert Road in Mesa. Grub b & Ellis/BRE Commercial represented the landlord, Pecos-Windmill N.W. LLC of Nev. Landmark TCN represented Brookline • signed a five-year lease for 18,00o0 square feet at the Van BurenDistributionb Center, 20 S.
48th Ave. in Phoenix. The companhy distributes hydraulic industrial hosese and is relocating from a locatiohnfarther west. Financial terms of the lease were not CB Richard Ellis representedthe landlord, Mountain West Properties of Greenwoos Village, Colo. Daum Commerciapl Real Estate Services representedthe tenant.

sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011

MNI: Georgia loses 48,900 industrial jobs - St. Louis Business Journal:
percent loss in manufacturing employment between 2006 and and a lossof 2.3 percenty between 2007 and 2008. Georgia now has 10,893 manufacturers that emplou 507,866 workers. "As with the entire nation, the recession continues to chip awayat Georgia's core sectors,” said Tom Dubin, president of Manufacturers’ “The faltering housing market has affected industriesz such as wood, furniture and building products, and has worsenedr an already suffering textile industry." Employment in the textiles/appareol sector saw the worst drop in employment, down 16.2 or 13,219 jobs.
Textile/apparel companies shutting down includer carpetmanufacturer , a Spring Global towel manufacturer in Griffin, and American Fibersd and Yarns, which shuttered its plant in Bainbridge last Food products manufacturing has replaced textiles/apparel as the state'sw top industrial sector, currently accounting for 69,56p of the state's jobs, down 2.7 percent or 1,9023 jobs. Food giant (NYSE: GIS) recently reported it will spend $42 million to open a new distributionh center inSocial Circle. Third-ranked industria l machinery and equipment accountsfor 45,68o jobs, down 5.1 percent, with employment expectede to strengthen with the relocation of ATM manufacturer NCR) to Columbus.
Atlanta is the state's top city for manufacturing employment, home to 55,861 with employment down 11 percent over the Atlanta ranks 18th amonfgthe nation's cities for number of manufacturiny jobs and ranks 22nd nationally for numbere of manufacturers, Manufacturers’ News said. Second-ranked Daltonj accounts for 25,446 jobs, with employmentr down 3.5 percent over the past twelv months. Alpharetta saw no significang change in manufacturing employment and currently accountsfor 16,826y jobs, while Marietta is home to 16,580 jobs, down 2.5 percenyt over the year. Fifth-ranked Norcrosxs is home to 14,38u jobs, down 9.3 percent, according to News.

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

White Accords in Perfumery: So Long The 70s - Mimi Froufrou

Mimi Froufrou

White Accords in Perfumery: So Long The 70s

Mimi Froufrou

They are adaptative notes, born out of necessity to please the new sensitivities more than artistic statements, except in rarer cases.... We looked in the past at what it is that they call "white musk". But by now, white accords have become pervasive ...

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

Allowing liquor store would harm local business - Ct Post

Allowing liquor store would harm local business

Ct Post

I have just returned from the local wine shop and heard "disturbing" news: the Stratford Town Council is going to be voting on a measure to change zoning laws to allow a big box wine sShop to move into the old Office Depot location. ...

and more »

sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011

Survey: CEOs still foresee negative conditions - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
“This quarter’s results reflect a continuing weak set ofeconomicc conditions,” said Ivan Seidenberg, chairman of Business Roundtable and chairman and CEO of “Conditions — whiles still negative — appear to have begun to The Washington-based association of CEOs represents a combine d work force of nearly 10 million employees and more than $5 trilliobn in annual sales. When asked how they anticipatr their sales to fluctuate in the next six 34 percent said saleswill increase, and 46 percent predicted a That is a sunnier forecast than the first-quarte outlook survey, when 24 percent predicted higher sales. Fifty-one percent said their U.S.
capital spendinvg will fall in thesecond quarter, and 12 percenty said it will rise. Forty-ninw percent expect their U.S. employment to decrease in the next six up fromthe first-quarter outlook when 71 percent predicted a drop in employment. Six percentg anticipate their employee baseto increase. Member CEOs estimatee that the nation’s real gross domestic product will dropby 2.1 percengt in 2009, compared with the CEOs’ first-quarter estimated of a 1.9 percent decline. The outlook index — whichn combines member CEO projections for capital spending and employment in the six monthzsahead — expanded to 18.5 in the seconfd quarter, up from -5 in the first quarter.
An indexx reading of 50 or lowert is consistent with overalleconomic contraction, and a reading of 50 or highed is consistent with expansion.

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011

Tesla to open seven showrooms - San Francisco Business Times:
Stores in New York, Seattle and Chicago will open in late followedby Miami. Tesla’s first Europea store will open in London later this followed by Munichand Monaco. The new additions will complement Tesla’s flagship stores in Northern andSouthern California, which opened a year ago. Teslaz said it is scouting locationsin D.C., and Toronto. Tesla is the only producerf of highway-capable electric cars in North Americzaor Europe. “We are rethinkingt almost every aspect of theautomobile – from the powertrainn to the customer both online and in our stores,” said Tesla CEO Elon Musk in a Tesla’s Roadster sells for $109,000.
The companty expects to introduce itssecondx car, the Model S sedan, in late 2011. It is expecter to sell for less than halfthe Roadster’s price.

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

Solar Power, NBA star make European deal - Washington Business Journal:
Global Energy Services will market and providseSolar Power’s solar-panel lineup in the region. “We are very pleasede that Peja and his Global Energt Solutions organization have joined with SPI as we expaned our international distribution network into a part of the worlfd where demand of solar is growing Solar Power chief executive officer Stevde Kircher said in a newsrelease Stojakovic, a sweet-shooting small forward for the New Orlean s Hornets, will be available at the Solar Powerd booth this week at InterSolae 2009 in Munich. Germany.
Solatr Power has “an innovative line of photovoltaic solar energy producte that are associated withvery high-quality productsx and performance standards,” said Stojakovic, a 10-year NBA player. Roseville-basede Solar Power (OTCBB: SOPW) is an international distributor and installer of photovoltaicsolar systems. Shares of Solar Power droppee 7cents — or about 9.5 perceny — to 67 cents in middayy trading Wednesday.

domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011

Peer-to-peer visits critical part of business-retention effort - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
This work is perhapsd most evident in the activities ofthe Partnership’s Regionalo Business Retention Committee (RBRC). The group consistss of about 30 volunteers who take the pulsew of the local business community through coordinates personal visits with company leaders around the The members of the group thank them for doingvbusiness here, learn about theit issues and concerns, identify barriers to growth and, as connect them with resources that can facilitate their success. One of last year’sa 222 survey/visits arose when retention committee volunteer Lisa Boland talked with her Staffmari client about futurepersonnel needs.
Upon hearinvg about the company’s plans to expanxd its nationaldistribution (including quadrupling ice creanm production to more than 1 million gallons annually), Boland “putr on her RBRC hat” and set in motioh the process to get the partnership’s business expansion team involved and elevats the matter with the city of

viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

Domenic Petrucci - Baltimore Business Journal:
The Italy native became an activisty for heart disease after suffering from a heart attack in March 2000 when he weighed 270 When he’s not pumping iron, Petrucci’s contractingv company does brick and stone work and manufactures concretd steps. Why did you take up weight lifting? Becaus e I have a big body and I needed a littlse workout to show offmy I’m very muscular even if I don’gt lift weights. What’s your daily routine like? I’m waking up at 5 a.m. and runninv an hour in Patterson Park and keeping my hearft rate between 130 and145 steady.
I climgb stairs, go back home and go work on Then I go to the gym for weight lifting foran hour, five days a week. Then I do abourt 15 minutes or 20minutes composing, flexingf for the bodybuilding figure. Thre days a week I’ll come home and run in the Overall, I do 10 hours of cardiop of a week. That’s 60 miles a week of cardio. How did you modifyh your diet? Throughout the day I eat five withclean carbs, such as sweet potatoes or brown rice, and protein. I eat six poundsx of fish a day. No fat whatsoever. You make wine? I make a Cabernet Sauvignon andMerlot blend.