miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

PR: Go on the offensive: Managing tough news in tough times - Austin Business Journal:

drops off Nasdaq. In a turbulentf economy, there is no shortag e of bad news. Experts say that in a time like what may matter most is the way in which that bad news is How management deals withthe media, employees, clients and the community could impactt how the business is viewed for years to Business leaders who hide in their offices, bury facta and let the rumorr mill control the story will be viewede with anger and distrust.
But those who plan their messagee carefully, and deliver it promptly and with candorr to allrelevant parties, are more likelyy to be remembered as good corporate “The spotlight will be on your company,” said Dan a business consultant and president of an Albany career management firm. “Yo u have one chance to get it Many public relations professionals advise clients to have a crisis communication plan in placs atall times. This way, basiv guidelines are in place when any sort ofbad news, from layoffsd to a chemical spill, breaks. Additional preparation should take placre once a bad news event The first step is to assess the situation and thepossible fallout.
“I advise that you convens a group of saidPauline Bartel, president of Waterford-based “You need someone from top human resources, the PR team ... the object is for everyone to put theire cards on the face up, so you can identifg any gaps in information.” Next, list every constituency, including suppliers and the media, and crafty a message for each. While these messages must be each audience hasdifferent needs. Employees will want to know abougtheir futures, while shareholders will be interested in the impacft on the bottom line.
Clientx will want to know if service will be It isalso vital, PR expertx say, to select just one person to speak for the “You don’t want 20 different versions of things coming out so everyonre looks like fools,” said Richard Berman, presidengt of of Chappaqua in Westchester County. Once the situationm is assessed, the constituents identified, the messagesx crafted, and the spokesperson chosen, it is time to delivee the news. “It comes down to threre phrases: Tell it all, tell it early, tell it said Edward Parham, director of publidc relations forin Colonie. Ideally, the news should be shared with all partiese at thesame time.
In the age of textingt and Twittering, “news can travel at the spees ofan electron,” said Matthew Maguire, spokesman for in “You want to deliver your news before anyone else Bartel suggests giving “a few select a heads-up that news is coming. “That way, the reportetr has gotten the company line before a disgruntlex employee picks upthe phone,” she When the news is delivered, it must be completee and truthful, with as many detailds as can be shared. It is especially importany that the CEO or othe designated spokesperson be availableand responsive.
“Therse is no such thing as not taking the call and havinyg the paper the next day sayyou weren’t said Dean Rueckert, CEO of Rueckert “That is not acceptable. And a good answere is never ‘no comment.’ Back it up with the reasomn you can’t comment—confidentiality, legalities, what have you. You don’yt want to look like you are dodging the questiohn orhiding something.” This candor extende to employees. Moran said that when he works with companiexsin bad-news situations, he institute s a “no closed door for threse days” rule on top managers.

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