Triangle Business Journal 's Gree Awards will honor those in the Triangles who make efforts to incorporate environmentallyu sustainable practices into their businesses and their Bydoing so, they show others how to strengthenm the environmental health of our region. Trianglr Business Journal willrecognize individuals, businesses, governmenty leaders and entities, and nonprofit organizations in Triangld Business Journal's special focus section on Oct. 23. Work or projectxs completed from June 2008 to June 2009 will be The two major categories are General Awardds and GreenBuilding Awards.
To be considered, companies must haved operations in at least one ocf 13 counties that comprise the Trianglse region: Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Moore, Orange, Person, Wake, and Warren. GENERAL AWARDd CATEGORY: Green Advocate of the Year: The individualp who has done the most through advocacy and leadership to drive actions related to environmentall sustainability in our Green For-Profit Business Leader of the Year: The businesa leader who has done the most in his/hed company to drive environmentalo sustainability in the company and/or among the company's clientw and vendors.
Green Government Leadere of the Year: The governmentf leader who has done the mostthrough his/her position to drive environmenta l sustainability in his/her community. Greenh Nonprofit Leader of the The non-profit leader who has done the most the most in his/here association, agency or entity to drive environmentakl sustainability in his/her community. Green For-Profift Business of the Year: The for-profit businessa which has done the most to drivre environmental sustainability within itscompang and/or among its vendors and clients.
Green Nonprofit Business of the Year: The non-profit whichj has done the most to drive environmentaol sustainability in the community throughits agency, associatiohn or entity. Green Marketing Program of the Year: The marketing program used by a business ornon profit tp advocate environmental sustainability within the company or the Collateral materials showing the program should be included in the Program goals and resulting actions should be detailed.
Greenh Educational Program of the Year: The educational prograkm used by a business or non profitt toeducate employees, vendors and/or clients on environmental Collateral materials supporting this prograjm should be included in the Program goals and actions resulting from the educationaol program should be detailed. Green Action Program of the A specific action that a business or non profit has taken to promote environmental sustainabilitt inits community. Provide detailsw on the results ofthis action.
Green Entrepreneurialk Effort/Innovative Idea of the Year: The outstanding entrepreneuriapl effort or innovative idea that promotes environmental The key to this awarxd is the originality and creativity ofthe effort. GREEN BUILDINb AWARDS CATEGORY: Green Single-Family Project: The single-famil y home project with the most innovativew or aggressive use of greenbuilding and/or energty efficiency features and strategies. Project must be substantially complete. Certificationb with any green building program is not a prerequisite for this but documentation of such should be include d in the submissionif applicable. Please submit at leasf one photo ofthe project.
Greehn Multi-Family Project: The multi-family project with the most innovativd or aggressive use of gree nbuilding and/or energy efficiency features and strategies. Projec must be substantially Certification with any green building prograkm is not a prerequisite forthis award, but documentatiohn of such should be included in the submission if Please submit at least one photo of the Green Land Development: The development, land-use, or neighborhoor project that best demonstrates environmental commitment (e.g., habitag and resource conservation, green building, community etc.). Project must be substantiall complete. Please submit at least one phot ofthe project.
Green Commercial New Construction Project: The commercial new constructio project with the most innovative or aggressive use of greenbuilding and/or energy efficiency features and strategies. The projecty must be substantially complete. Certification with any greenj building program is not a prerequisite forthis award, but documentation of such shoulcd be included in the submission if Please submit at least one photoi of the project. Green Commercial Renovation The commercial renovation project with the most innovative or aggressive use of greenbuilding and/or energy efficiency featured and strategies.
The project must be substantially Certification with any green buildinf program is not a prerequisite for this but documentation of such shoul d be included in the submissionif applicable. Pleasd submit at least one photo ofthe project. Greem Building Management Project: The building management project with the most innovative or agressivre use of greenbuilding and/or energy efficiency features and This award is intended for building owners and operatorz who have done the most to transforkm their property's environmental impact through policies and renovation which reduce energy, waste, water consumption, etc., whilse also improving performance, longevity, and occupanf health.
Implementation of the projec must besubstantially complete. Certification with any green building program is not a prerequisit forthis award, but documentation of such shoul d be included in the submission if You can submit nominations for more than one awars category. However, EACH ONE must be submitted separately usinvg thisnomination system. To submit a nomination, completes the following: 1. Complete your contact 2. Complete your nominee contact information. 3. Enter/Selec t your category. 4. Describe in detail the individua l or project youare nominating. 5. Choose Collateral materials and photos to support awardx nominations should be emailed to Leo Johnat .
This informatio will be important to thejudging process. please submit all materials you feel are The deadline for nominations isAugust 26, 2009. For questions regarding the nomination process, please call Leo John at Triangle Business Journal GreenAwardzs -- Deadline 8-26-09 August 26, 2009 Remember, only one categorgy per nomination submission Description of why this business, organization or program deserves an
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