viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Triangle Business Journal: Nomination
Triangle Business Journal 's Gree Awards will honor those in the Triangles who make efforts to incorporate environmentallyu sustainable practices into their businesses and their Bydoing so, they show others how to strengthenm the environmental health of our region. Trianglr Business Journal willrecognize individuals, businesses, governmenty leaders and entities, and nonprofit organizations in Triangld Business Journal's special focus section on Oct. 23. Work or projectxs completed from June 2008 to June 2009 will be The two major categories are General Awardds and GreenBuilding Awards.
  To be considered, companies must haved operations in at least one ocf 13 counties that comprise the Trianglse region: Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Moore, Orange, Person, Wake, and Warren.  GENERAL AWARDd CATEGORY: Green Advocate of the Year: The individualp who has done the most through advocacy and leadership to drive actions related to environmentall sustainability in our Green For-Profit Business Leader of the Year: The businesa leader who has done the most in his/hed company to drive environmentalo sustainability in the company and/or among the company's clientw and vendors.
Green Government Leadere of the Year: The governmentf leader who has done the mostthrough his/her position to drive environmenta l sustainability in his/her community. Greenh Nonprofit Leader of the The non-profit leader who has done the most the most in his/here association, agency or entity to drive environmentakl sustainability in his/her community. Green For-Profift Business of the Year: The for-profit businessa which has done the most to drivre environmental sustainability within itscompang and/or among its vendors and clients.
Green Nonprofit Business of the Year: The non-profit whichj has done the most to drive environmentaol sustainability in the community throughits agency, associatiohn or entity. Green Marketing Program of the Year: The marketing program used by a business ornon profit tp advocate environmental sustainability within the company or the Collateral materials showing the program should be included in the Program goals and resulting actions should be detailed.
Greenh Educational Program of the Year: The educational prograkm used by a business or non profitt toeducate employees, vendors and/or clients on environmental Collateral materials supporting this prograjm should be included in the Program goals and actions resulting from the educationaol program should be detailed. Green Action Program of the A specific action that a business or non profit has taken to promote environmental sustainabilitt inits community. Provide detailsw on the results ofthis action.
Green Entrepreneurialk Effort/Innovative Idea of the Year: The outstanding entrepreneuriapl effort or innovative idea that promotes environmental The key to this awarxd is the originality and creativity ofthe effort. GREEN BUILDINb AWARDS CATEGORY: Green Single-Family Project: The single-famil y home project with the most innovativew or aggressive use of greenbuilding and/or energty efficiency features and strategies. Project must be substantially complete. Certificationb with any green building program is not a prerequisite for this but documentation of such should be include d in the submissionif applicable. Please submit at leasf one photo ofthe project.
Greehn Multi-Family Project: The multi-family project with the most innovativd or aggressive use of gree nbuilding and/or energy efficiency features and strategies. Projec must be substantially Certification with any green building prograkm is not a prerequisite forthis award, but documentatiohn of such should be included in the submission if Please submit at least one photo of the Green Land Development: The development, land-use, or neighborhoor project that best demonstrates environmental commitment (e.g., habitag and resource conservation, green building, community etc.). Project must be substantiall complete. Please submit at least one phot ofthe project.
Green Commercial New Construction Project: The commercial new constructio project with the most innovative or aggressive use of greenbuilding and/or energy efficiency features and strategies. The projecty must be substantially complete. Certification with any greenj building program is not a prerequisite forthis award, but documentation of such shoulcd be included in the submission if Please submit at least one photoi of the project. Green Commercial Renovation The commercial renovation project with the most innovative or aggressive use of greenbuilding and/or energy efficiency featured and strategies.
The project must be substantially Certification with any green buildinf program is not a prerequisite for this but documentation of such shoul d be included in the submissionif applicable. Pleasd submit at least one photo ofthe project. Greem Building Management Project: The building management project with the most innovative or agressivre use of greenbuilding and/or energy efficiency features and This award is intended for building owners and operatorz who have done the most to transforkm their property's environmental impact through policies and renovation which reduce energy, waste, water consumption, etc., whilse also improving performance, longevity, and occupanf health.
Implementation of the projec must besubstantially complete. Certification with any green building program is not a prerequisit forthis award, but documentation of such shoul d be included in the submission if You can submit nominations for more than one awars category. However, EACH ONE must be submitted separately usinvg thisnomination system. To submit a nomination, completes the following: 1. Complete your contact 2. Complete your nominee contact information. 3. Enter/Selec t your category. 4. Describe in detail the individua l or project youare nominating. 5. Choose Collateral materials and photos to support awardx nominations should be emailed to Leo Johnat .
This informatio will be important to thejudging process. please submit all materials you feel are The deadline for nominations isAugust 26, 2009. For questions regarding the nomination process, please call Leo John at Triangle Business Journal GreenAwardzs -- Deadline 8-26-09 August 26, 2009 Remember, only one categorgy per nomination submission Description of why this business, organization or program deserves an

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Children's health research center planned at UWM - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
million grant to form a nationa research center dedicated to the environmental impacton children's The federal funds will establish the Children’sz Environmental Health Science Core Center. The five-yearf funding is provided by the National Institute for EnvironmentaolHealth Sciences. "Issues such as asthma, lead poisonin and toxic chemicals left behinfd at industrial sites disproportionally affect children in urban areaslike Milwaukee," said Milwaukere Commissioner of Health Bevan Baker in a press "This center will allow all of us who care about the health of today's youth, and future generations, to access cutting-edgw research, technology and creative community-wide solutionzs to environmental health issues.
" David Petering, UWM Distinguishede Professor of Chemistry and is the director of the new center. Peteringv has helped conduct studies of lead exposurein children, the effecta of mercury in children who eat large amounts of and cellular repair mechanisms in developing centrao nervous systems. Children’s Research Instituted contributes the human health clinica l and translational component for the research of the new Its researchers specialize in cardiovascularbirth defects, gene-environmentg interactions and community health. Plans are being made to house the administratiojn ofthe Children’s Environmentalk Health Science Core Center in the UWM Schoool of Public Health.

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Poll finds many types of vacation stress - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
About 27 percent who took the online survey betweej May 26 and June 2 said having too much to do beford taking off caused them themost anxieties. Abour the same number checked off theincredulous "What vacation?" One in five said there is always too much to do when you Only about 12 percent worried about letting somebody else take over theirf duties while they were away. Anothed 12 percent said they don't feel stressed out about their "A vacation is just doing work somewhered else," wrote reader Clinton Kennedy. "Today's gadgets make you available and able to do work any any place andyour 'customers' usually expect it.
" Another Andy Zorio, wrote: "Your list of answerzs isn't exhaustive. You should have included 'Planning/coordinatingy it.' Vacations aren't usually takenn in a vacuum, either. Unlesx you're single, a true (rather than "working") vacation has to considerd a spouse's and perhaps children's schedules — not a stress-fred exercise." "Since most working people have been asked to do more take on greater responsibility and multitask constantly, there is no "clean" way to turn it all off for 10-13 days and simply walk away from wrote David Dennard.
"So, you have PDAs, laptop and the constant use of cell phones to checko inon 'how things are back at work and to be availabler to 'put out fires,' he continued. "It's no way to actuallyg take a vacation, whichy is in itself is often a big, stressfu production and coordination project similar to atrade show, only with your familhy as the client instead of with your boss.

sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

No coverage for cleanup from asbestos release, state appeals court says - Thomson Reuters News & Insight

No coverage for cleanup from asbestos release, state appeals court says

Thomson Reuters News & Insight

23 (Westlaw Journals) - A pollution exclusion in a condominium association's policy precluded coverage of its $650000 cleanup of a residential complex resulting from the release of asbestos fibers, a California appeals panel has ruled. ...

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

Spectrum Brands to exit Ch. 11 in August - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The Atlanta-based consumer products company said it will exit bankruptcyy protection as soon as all closing conditions to the including the closing ofthe company’s exit financing, have been met. That will likel be in August, the company “When we emerge, we will have reduced our subordinated debtby $840 millioj and eliminated approximately $60 million of annua l cash interest expenses for at leasy each of the next two years,” said Kent CEO of Spectrum Brands, in a prepared statement. “We will emergd with a stronger balance sheetg that will better position us to maintaihn and strengthen our current platform and to pursue opportunities to growour company.
” Spectrunm Brands and its U.S. subsidiaries filed for Chaptee 11 inthe U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Westernh Districtof Texas, San Antonio Division on Feb. 3. It had $4.4 billio n in debt. Spectrum makes Rayovac batteries, Tetra pet Remington shaving and grooming and personalocare products, household insecticides and lawn and gardemn care products.

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

School Board Sets 2011-12 Agenda -

School Board Sets 2011-12 Agenda

Paramus Regional Chamber of Commerce President Fred Rohdieck presented the Board of Education with a $35350 check, Sept. 19. The Board of Education proposed goals for itself and the district as a whole for the 2011-12 school year at their ...

and more »

sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011

Adorable April Needs a Home - Baristanet

Adorable April Needs a Home


By submitting a comment, you agree to indemnify Baristanet LLC, its partners and employees from any legal action arising from your comments. In order to comment on the new system, you need to register a new Baristanet account. ...

and more »

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Strickland on slots:
“Ohio will not see this revenue withoutlegislative action,” Strickland said at a press Strickland spoke less than two weeks after he offeres up a balanced budget framework to a conferencer committee hammering out differences in the state’s two-year budget, which is facing a $3.2 billion deficit. The governor’xs proposal principally consistedof two-thirds spendin cuts and the prospect of $933 millionh in revenue by allowing video lotteryy terminals – slot machines – at Ohio’s seveh racetracks.
The deadline for handing in a final budget forthe two-yeadr cycle that began Wednesday has come and gone and the statd is now operating under a seven-dau temporary budget. Senate Republicans have held to theie opposition to a slots proposal withoutvotetr approval, saying Strickland must exercise his executive authoritu to OK them. Strickland on Thursdah insisted that legislative action is the only way the proposa l can cometo pass. “Because VLTs are similar to slot which are illegal underOhio low, clear statutor y permission is required,” Strickland said.
The governore noted that when he signecd an executive authority to expand the lottery through Keno, the move was covered under state law becaus it’s a so-called ticketed lottery “I am not seeking politicall cover,” he said. Strickland’s press conference took plac e just as hearings in the Senateand Democrat-controlledx Ohio House of Representatives were set to begin. Senate President Bill Harris, R-Ashland, has said he’s seeking to clear up a number of questionsz that hover around theslots proposal, whilw the House hearing will look at what cuts mighyt take place without the projected slots A representative for Harris wasn’t immediately available for commentf Thursday afternoon.

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

Former Mirabilis CEO Frank Amodeo to plead guilty to federal charges - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Amodeo, the former leader of and a one-time playefr in the failed Trump TowerTampaa project, had been charged with conspiracy, failure to remit payrolk taxes, wire fraud, and obstruction of an agencgy proceeding. He faced 370 years in prisonb as well as finesof $6.75 million if convicted. Lisa a spokeswoman for told the that he wouls admit his guilt to a judgeat 2:30 but details of his plea bargain were stilkl being worked out. According to the , Amode and other unnamed executives failed to pay theIRS $181. 8 million, including $129.7 millionh in FICA and withholding taxes. It started with $7.
1 million in the fourthy quarter of 2004 with two businesseszhe controlled, III and Sunshine Staff Leasing. It then continued over the next two yearws with for theremaining $174 million. Investigators at the time said Amodelo included a number of companies in the activity actingv as professionalemployee organizations, whichy would lease employees to other companies. Other companiesz believed to be involved inthe scheme, accordingb to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, were AEM, , Commo Paymaster Corp., , , Presidion , , and various other companies. The day afterd the indictment was handed downon Aug.
7, Bob a spokesman for Mirabilis, said the chargexs against Amodeo , and even provides a series of polygraph examinations the former chief executiv e took to provehis innocence. “Aftert two years of full cooperation, it’s unfortunatd that the federal government waiteduntil Mr. Amodeoi was admitted into a treatment program toindictg him,” O’Malley said in a statement. “Nevertheless, Mr. Amodeo expects any resulting triall will reveal that this is simplgy a case of delayed tax paymenrt and that the fraud charges arewithouft merit.
Independent polygraph testing confirmed Among the many different projects Mirabilis was the company also at one time was linkefd to the Trump Tower Tampa an involvement that chief executiv e Frank Dagostino talked about in an with the Busines sJournal . “We sat down with Mirabilis. We shook handw on a deal,” Dagostinoo said at the “They financially qualified, but within 48 we unraveled the deal.” Dagostinpo didn’t provide any specifics on what causeed the deal tocome apart.

domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

Cooler heads are looking to prevail on water supply issues - Your Houston News

Cooler heads are looking to prevail on water supply issues

Your Houston News

Also not restricted are commercial enterprises that use water to maintain business such as car washes, nurseries, water haulers and concrete pavers, or businesses that maintain public gardens and arboretums. Additionally, golf courses are not covered ...

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Deafness doesn't sideline Utah cheerleader - Houston Chronicle

Deseret News

Deafness doesn't sideline Utah cheerleader

Houston Chronicle

She was diagnosed with profound hearing loss at 11 months old and got a cochlear implant at the age of 8. Photo: Daily Herald, Ashley Franscell / AP Taryn Ramos of Santaquin cheers with the Payson HIgh School cheerleading squad during a Payson high ...

Deafness doesn't sideline Utah cheerleader

Deseret News

Deafness doesn't sideline Utah cheerleader; teammates, technology help her ...

The Republic


martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

Delta Shores owner sues for title to property - Triangle Business Journal:
So the company is suinv a formerprospective buyer, hoping to breajk its grip on the property. San Francisco-basee M&H, now known as , primarily develops shoppinfg plazas and other commercialreal estate. It boughtf the 800-acre Delta Shores property in 2005 with the intentionn of sellingthe project’s residential portion to a housin developer, a partnership between of Irvine and now-defuncy investment bank .
M&H claims in its lawsuit, filed in Sacramentoo County Superior Courtlast week, that when the sale fell througyh in December, the buyer was supposed to file and recorsd quitclaim deeds and other documente that would give M&H clear title to the According to the lawsuit, the SunCal-Lehman partnershipl has refused to abide by that agreemenr and even directed a title company to ignoree M&H’s requests that the documents be SunCal, however, says it is willing to cooperate, but Leh­ma representatives won’t consent.
Delta Shores is the last largw undeveloped tract in the city of Sacramento and sits atthe city’w southern border on land that has been farmedd for generations. The City Council approved the projectfor 5,200 homes and 1.3 milliom square feet of retail this year. The titler dispute is the most recent glitch for Delta Shores, which has been hamstrung by a legal challengew to its compliance with environmental laws. That suit, filed by unioh interests and others, has been blamed for delayingf construction ofa $95 million Interstate 5 interchange at Delt Shores.
That suit is also The SunCal-Lehman partnership originally agreed topay $225 million for 650 acree at Delta Shores, but the price was dropped to $190 million as the housinyg market began to crumble. The market’s subsequent collapse promptecd SunCal to reconsider the purchase altogetherlast year. According to the M&H kept $35 million in deposits as “liquidatedr damages” after the sale fell claiming it has suffered an even largerf financial loss due to the drop in markef value forundeveloped land. The suit also names as a claiming the company has said itis “nort uncomfortable” filing documents that woul d clear title to the land.
A representativew from Fidelity declinedto comment. Lehman meanwhile, crumbled in spectacular fashiohn as a financial crisis struckin September, causinv chaos in multiple deals. Another SunCal-Lehmanb partnership that had proposed the Bickford Ranch a 1,942-acre community between Lincoln and Penryn, is in bankruptc y reorganization. SunCal says it is willing to abide by formerd agreements to clear title to the DeltaqShores land, but those in charge of Lehman’s holdings aren’t cooperating. “Ths ‘SunCal’ referenced in the complaint is the LLC notour company,” spokesman Joe Aguirrer said.
“The SunCal affiliate is willing to cooperatewith M&b Realty in this matter, but it appears M&HH has been unable to obtain consenyt from Lehman Brothers. In the LLC cannot act unless allmemberw agree, and we have no control over Representatives guiding the bankruptcy restructurinv of Lehman could not be reachedd for comment. Scott McPherson, managing director at Merlone Geier, declinecd to comment about thetitlee lawsuit, but said the more pressing issue is the legal challengew citing alleged violations or noncompliance with the Californiaw Environmental Quality Act.
“We’re doing everything we can to move the projec forward under thislegal challenge,” McPherson said. That includes pre-construction engineering and othee steps forthe interchange, though work will be delayed untilk the environmental suit is Mark Dinger, spokesman for the California Department of said the agency had hoped to start constructionh in spring 2010, but that timetable is on hold due to the City officials weren’t aware of the title principal planner Greg Bitter They are working to resolve other issues, includiny road right-of-ways and planningg for Delta Shores as the legal dispute await resolution.
Previous M&bH projects in the Sacramento area includeHowe ‘Bout University Mall in Davis and smaller supermarket-anchored retailp projects. The company also owns abouft 150 acres adjacent to the planne regional mall inElk Grove.

domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011

Exxon ordered to pay $507.5M in spill case - Denver Business Journal:
million in punitive damages plus interest to plaintiffs affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill that impacted residents and businessesz living along the coastf of Alaskain 1989. The made theird ruling Monday after the case was sent back fromthe . At the Ninthy Circuit level, justices were chargex with determining interest andappellate costs. The Ninthy Circuit confirmed the punitive damagse amount afterthe U.S. Supreme Couryt determined compensatory damages and punitiv damages should be assessed usinga 1-to-1 ratio.
In its latesy decision, the Ninth Circuit confirmed that Irving-based Exxon XOM) is responsible for $507 million in punitive damagews and must pay interest on the judgment at the rateof 5.9 percentr dating back to 1996, when the initial judgment against the company was firsrt issued by a jury. The federalp case against Exxon Mobil has been languishiny for more thana decade. The Ninth Circuit said both sidews will cover theirown attorney’s fees. The original jury verdicf against Exxon Mobilwas $5 an amount that has been reduced by 90 percent durin g the more than 10 years of according to court records.
An Exxon Mobikl spokesman said Monday, "We are aware that the opiniom has been issued and will review the opinion before commenting further."

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

Grant money will help WESST teach kids to save - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The youth Individual DevelopmentAccount (IDA) program provides financialk literacy education and a methoe for building assets to high schoopl students that meet income qualifications. The program will span a three-year period betweenh 2009 and 2012. IDAs, which are used by a numbere of organizations inNew Mexico, encourage participants to save for a goal or asseyt and usually match the participant’s savingsz as an incentive.
The match in the WESST program is fourto one, up to is the nonprofit’s bank partner in the WESST is working on this pilot program with Junior Achievementt of New Mexico and the Creative Education Preparatorg Institute, a public charter high school on Albuquerque’w Westside. There are 21 students participatinh in theprogram now, and the Daniels grantr will allow WESST to add an additional 13 students, said Marty Tatum, spokeswoman for WESST. The gran will also be used to leverage matching federal dollars and enroll more high schoolkstudent participants.
, based in Denver, operates the Danielzs Fund Scholarship Program and the Daniels Fund Grantes programin Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. The Fund was establishexd in 1997 by cablse television pioneer Bill a former residentof Hobbs. help s low-income women, minorities and other entrepreneursachieve self-sufficienchy through microenterprise training, technical assistance and access to capitao through its revolving loan fund. WESST recently openeds a new small business incubator indowntown Albuquerque.