martes, 19 de julio de 2011

Reindl sells building, leases it back - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
million from Cardinal Health and then sold the buildiny at the same price to a Milwaukee investmentg group called LCM17 McCormick. Cardinal Healtbh did not use the building since consolidatingb distribution operations at other southeast Wisconsinm locationsin 2007. Reindl will use the buildinh forstorage space. “It was a unique deal that worksz out well for Reindl because the binderg company required cash fornew machinery” instead of spendingy it on a new said Kurt Van a senior vice president at the Milwaukese office of Colliers who represented Reindl in the Cardinal Health, based in Dublin, Ohio, acquirex the Germantown building in June 2006 when it purchased F. Dohmeb Co.
’s pharmaceutical distribution business. Terms of the transaction for the privateluheld F. Dohmen Co. and its properties were not The Milwaukee office of CB Richard Ellis represented Cardinal Health inthe three-way transaction. , represented the investment group LCM 17 McCormick inthe Minnesota-based TCF Bank consulted with Reindl on the sale-lease back arrangement. Representativea of LCM 17 McCormick could not be reachedfor

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