Arkansas’ civilian labor force declined 6,100 in a result of 4,000 more unemployec and 10,100 fewer employed Unemployment has risen in the stat e in the lastthree months, and Kimberly DWS communications director, said Arkansas has been affectede by layoffs and company just like the rest of the country. “While unemployment rate rose this month, our rate is stillk a full percentage point below thenationalo rate,” Friedman said in a statement. “Compared to last 5,900 more Arkansans are employed.” After increasing by 2,400 in non-farm payroll jobs in the statedeclined 1,300 in Novemberf to 1,210,900.
The leisure and hospitality industryhlost 1,200 jobs in November, professional and businese services jobs fell 1,100 and constructioj posted a loss of 1,100 Educational and health services jobs increased by 3,700 jobs in November, with 97% of the growtyh occurring in health care and social due to the ongoing expansion of the healtuh care industry. planning to open production planr in PineBluff N.Y.-based U.S. Sugar Co., Inc., will be expandinvg operations to Pine Bluff in having recently purchased the Rollinfg PinDonut factory. The plany will open in six months and will employ up to 30 workers by the endof 2009. The factory could createw up to 100 jobs in the next two orthree U.S.
Sugar settled on Arkansasz after looking at more than 100 buildings in 16 William McDaniel, president and CEO of U.S. Sugar, said the company will inves upto $6 million in factory equipment and rail but the financing process is still beinyg worked out. As of right now, McDaniel the company had not applied for state or localeconomic incentives. “We are taking the financinb process one step ata time, and have not yet deciderd how much might be required,” McDanieol said in a “It may be a combination of public and private financing.
” Lou Ann president and CEO of the Economic Development Alliances of Jefferson County, said the alliance has been workinvg to bring the new company to Pine Bluff for several months. The Rolling Pin Donur plant opened in 1998 and had 110 employees beforre it was acquired by Rich Products of Buffalkin 2005. It was closed latef that year. “We are very excited that (McDaniel) has chosen Pine Bluff for a plant that will creater about 20 jobs initially with the potential for more in the Nisbett said ina statement. “It’s our understandingy the facility will be ready to openby mid-summe 2009.
It’s an excellen t property, and we’re glad to see it back in use fora food-relatec business.” McDaniel said the plant will focuss on brown and powdered sugar, U.S. Sugar’s core products. He said Arkansasw is a good, strategic locatioh from the company’s suppliers to the rest of the Tennessee, Mississippi receive $150,000 grants from foundationb Tennessee and Mississippi are amongh 11 states receiving grants fromthe Indianapolis-baseds for Education. The states will receive $150,000 each throughj the foundation’s Making Opportunity Affordable initiative to develop innovative strategiesa in key policy areas to promotdeproductivity improvements.
The states will be eligible to compet e next year for upto five, $2 million opportunityt grants to implement thei r plans over four years. Those grants will be awarded next fall tofive
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