Christian Science Monitor | Gold Futures Gain in New York as Drop to 5-Week Low Spurs Buying BusinessWeek June 29 (Bloomberg) -- Gold gained for a second day in New York as a drop to a five-week low spurred some investors to buy the metal as a protection of wealth and alternative to currencies. Bullion dropped as much as 4.4 percent ... ! Gold prices: Europe's bailouts will provide boost The Screaming Fundamentals for Owning Gold and Silver PRECIOUS METALS: Gold Pares Gains After Greek Austerity Vote |
miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011
Gold Futures Gain in New York as Drop to 5-Week Low Spurs Buying - BusinessWeek
lunes, 27 de junio de 2011
N. Ky's Vision 2015 releases third annual progress report - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Northern Kentucky Tri-ED oversees the primary industry job goal ofcreatint 14,300 net new jobs, which will enables the region to meet the goal of creating 50,000 net new jobs by 2015. In 2,540 net new primary jobs were created, puttin the organization at 17.8 percent of its Job creation data for2008 won’y be available until September. “Even thoughn the country is experiencing turbulentyeconomic times, we estimate that Northernj Kentucky will only be slightly behind the targey goal of 4,290 primary industryu jobs for 2006, 2007 and 2008,” the report said. The reporr heralded the job creation as one ofthe community’es top “wins” for the year.
Other wins • An expected $571 million in economiv impact through the creation of 20 new or expande business investmentsand 3,39 5 jobs created; • The launcjh of LaunchPad, a partnership between • Progress beinf made since the launch of the Catalyticd Development Funding Corp. of Northern Kentucky; • Announcement of a bold visionof trails, open space and entertainment venues for the riverfront; • And the successz of various regional stewardship initiatives, such as servicwe learning. “Vision 2015’s role in the community is dynamic and often hard to Vision 2015Chairman A.J. Schaefferr said in a news release.
“For this year’w report, we felt it was important to emphasizewVision 2015’s purpose and the different roles we play in the effort to advance the community’s goals outlinee in the vision.” The report will be availabld on the Vision 2015 Web site at
viernes, 24 de junio de 2011
Bridge Bank beefs up its exec ranks - Houston Business Journal:
Last month, the bank brought on boarx Peggy Bradshaw as chief banking officerr to oversee sales and clientrelationship functions. Veteraj business banker Al Williams joines as chief credit Both Bradshaw and Williamd previously workedat . Thomasz Sa, who was chier financial officer when the bank opened its dooras inMay 2001, has been promoted to chief risk officer and strategt officer. “Bridge has built a solidx foundation since its opening eightyears ago,” Sa said. “Ift is now time to buildd upon that foundation with coordinated business strategies that incorporate effectiv enterprise risk management to ensureconsistent long-termk performance.
” But the San Jose-based business which added more than $50 million to its capitaol base last year, has seen its stock plungde in the past 18 months. Shares of the bank’sw parent, , changed hands this week for $5, roughly a quartet of their price inJanuary 2008, before the burstingg credit bubble claimed several big bankss as casualties. CEO Dan Myers is confidengt the bank was smart to take a hit to the bottomk linelast year, boosting loan-loss reserves to covet 117 percent of nonperforming loans by The move was designed to put problenm loans behind it, making it easier to pursu e new business when the economy rebounds.
“Building the loan-losas reserves was painful in the short-term but will be beneficiap inthe long-term,” Myers said. The bank’s capital ratios and reservs levels are among the highestt in the nation for banks with assetwsof $500 million to $1.5 billion, he Bridge’s assets totaled $882 as of March 31. Myerws said the bank moved early in 2008 to rein in constructionm lending after seeing the unprecedented decline in housinh prices that beganin 2007. Bridge Bank boosterd capital last year througha $30 millionb public offering and raised another $23.8 million through the U.S. Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program.
Myers said regulators did not force the changes in the executive suites atthe bank, which serves the greaterf Bay Area, with offices in Pleasanton, Palo Alto and San
miércoles, 22 de junio de 2011
Arkansas unemployment rises to 5.7%, still lower than U.S. rate - Memphis Business Journal:
Arkansas’ civilian labor force declined 6,100 in a result of 4,000 more unemployec and 10,100 fewer employed Unemployment has risen in the stat e in the lastthree months, and Kimberly DWS communications director, said Arkansas has been affectede by layoffs and company just like the rest of the country. “While unemployment rate rose this month, our rate is stillk a full percentage point below thenationalo rate,” Friedman said in a statement. “Compared to last 5,900 more Arkansans are employed.” After increasing by 2,400 in non-farm payroll jobs in the statedeclined 1,300 in Novemberf to 1,210,900.
The leisure and hospitality industryhlost 1,200 jobs in November, professional and businese services jobs fell 1,100 and constructioj posted a loss of 1,100 Educational and health services jobs increased by 3,700 jobs in November, with 97% of the growtyh occurring in health care and social due to the ongoing expansion of the healtuh care industry. planning to open production planr in PineBluff N.Y.-based U.S. Sugar Co., Inc., will be expandinvg operations to Pine Bluff in having recently purchased the Rollinfg PinDonut factory. The plany will open in six months and will employ up to 30 workers by the endof 2009. The factory could createw up to 100 jobs in the next two orthree U.S.
Sugar settled on Arkansasz after looking at more than 100 buildings in 16 William McDaniel, president and CEO of U.S. Sugar, said the company will inves upto $6 million in factory equipment and rail but the financing process is still beinyg worked out. As of right now, McDaniel the company had not applied for state or localeconomic incentives. “We are taking the financinb process one step ata time, and have not yet deciderd how much might be required,” McDanieol said in a “It may be a combination of public and private financing.
” Lou Ann president and CEO of the Economic Development Alliances of Jefferson County, said the alliance has been workinvg to bring the new company to Pine Bluff for several months. The Rolling Pin Donur plant opened in 1998 and had 110 employees beforre it was acquired by Rich Products of Buffalkin 2005. It was closed latef that year. “We are very excited that (McDaniel) has chosen Pine Bluff for a plant that will creater about 20 jobs initially with the potential for more in the Nisbett said ina statement. “It’s our understandingy the facility will be ready to openby mid-summe 2009.
It’s an excellen t property, and we’re glad to see it back in use fora food-relatec business.” McDaniel said the plant will focuss on brown and powdered sugar, U.S. Sugar’s core products. He said Arkansasw is a good, strategic locatioh from the company’s suppliers to the rest of the Tennessee, Mississippi receive $150,000 grants from foundationb Tennessee and Mississippi are amongh 11 states receiving grants fromthe Indianapolis-baseds for Education. The states will receive $150,000 each throughj the foundation’s Making Opportunity Affordable initiative to develop innovative strategiesa in key policy areas to promotdeproductivity improvements.
The states will be eligible to compet e next year for upto five, $2 million opportunityt grants to implement thei r plans over four years. Those grants will be awarded next fall tofive
lunes, 20 de junio de 2011
Federal Capital Partners pays $55M for Shirlington Gateway - Washington Business Journal:
"It has unrealized upsid potential in theassociatedr free-standing bank, and considering the competitivee office market this property is well-positionede to achieve a significant premium above the existing renta l rates in the coming years, making it a solidc investment for the says Director Collins Ege, who handled the sale with John Kevillk and Jim Molloy of the firm's capital markets team in D.C. The space there is 92 percent leasedc tomultiple tenants.
However, more than half of the leasese expirein 2009, whichg could mean long-term investment growth for the Bethesda-based Gold Star, which has more than $250 millionb invested in the region'zs commercial real estate market, purchased the propertyh in 2004 for $24.5 Real Estate Investments has appointed New York-baseed as its agency of The agency will handle all activities relatedf to advertising, marketing and corporate communications for the Alexandria-basecd real estate investment trust. Posner plans to relaunch Jayco'es brand this summer with a traditional and interactive mix of marketinand advertising.
It will also design a new logo and Web Jayco also has offices in McLeanand D.C. marketing firm hired to get word out for Premierf sites Premier Management Services of Viennwa hashired & Advertising to market two commercial properties in The marketing mix will include print advertisements and public The properties, which have 70,000 square feet of officed and retail space, are closw to the Capital Beltway and Interstates 95 near the Springfieled Mall. The area is seeing a spurtg of development with anew high-rise apartments, offices, shopsz and restaurants.
Tanenbaum brought in a production Gil Jusino, who will be responsiblew for production of the postcards and prin ads for the marketing blitz.
viernes, 17 de junio de 2011
Stimulus highlights need for better oversight at SBA - Portland Business Journal:
The SBA’s Office of Inspector Generakl outlined its concerns in a memo that said agency actionh is overdue on 10 recommendations it made to addres weaknesses in lender oversight andagency contracting. The Officew of Management and Budgetr has directed agencies to address problemsa disclosed by prior audits in program s that will receive funding througy the American Recovery andReinvestment Act.
Lendedr oversight is particularly important because the bill temporarilyu increased the government guaranty onthe SBA’ 7(a) business loans to 90 “Because the higher guaranties reduces lender risk, which may lead to poor a greater potential will exist for losses and wrote Debra Ritt, SBA assistant inspector That’s why it’s important for the SBA to do onsiter reviews for all SBA lenders with high-ris k ratings that have more than $4 million in guaranteed loan the memo stated. The agency has agreed that’s neededd but hasn’t done it yet.
The SBA also hasn’t implemented comprehensivde policies and procedures that definde acceptable lender performance and risk tolerance or what enforcement actions will be taken when risk tolerancw limitsare exceeded. The SBA also needs to do a betted job collecting improper payments of loan guaranties to lenderswho didn’f follow prudent lending practices or failed to comply with SBA regulations, the inspectoe general’s office said. More than $4 million in improper payments identified by previous audits have notbeen recovered, the officew found.
“Increases in loan volumes and reduces lender risk under the recovery act are expected to lead to highe r levels ofimproper payments,” the memo stated. The bill also providecd $30 million in additionao funding for theMicroloan program, whicg makes small loans to aspiring entrepreneurs through nonprofiy organizations that also provide technical assistance. The SBA needs to developp standard operating procedures forthis program, and collect information on whethere the businesses that received thesre loans became successful, according to the memo. SBA spokesman Jonatha n Swain said theagency “ixs working on a number of to implement the recommendations cited in the memo.
The agency is particularly focused on lender oversight and risk managementt as it rolls outnew stimulus-relatede programs. Its new $35,000 America’s Recovery Capital for example, are designed to be “a riskiefr loan program than the SBA has ever he said, because they’re an effort to help businessee that temporarily are having problemsz making loan payments. The SBA is looking at ways to mitigates that risk as muchas possible, he said. guaranteeed loans that dealers can use to financdtheir inventory. Many lenders have stopped making so-calledx floor plan loans becausethey haven’t been able to sell them on the secondaryu market.
Through these lines of credit, auto dealerd borrow against theirvehicle inventory, repa y the debt when vehicles are sold, and then borro again to add more inventory. John Lyboldt, NADA’d vice president of dealershipo operations, applauded the SBA and Presidenft BarackObama “for understanding that any effort to revitalizre the auto industry simply will not work until dealer credit issues are resolved.” “Thde success and continued operation of thousands of family- owned auto dealerships across the country are directly connecte to their ability to purchase both new and used vehiclesd to offer their customers,” Lyboldt said.
Beginningg July 1, the SBA will guarantee 75 percen t of floor plan lines of credit throughits 7(a) busines loan program. SBA lenders will make the which will rangefrom $500,000 to $2 Dealers in automobiles, recreational vehicles, boats and manufactured homesw are eligible. The loans will be available throughh Sept. 30, 2010, possibly longer if the SBA extendas thepilot program. Floor plan loanse previously were ineligible forthe 7(a) program. “Countlesds small businesses, including dealerships, acrossx the country are facing significant challengesz as a result of the uncertainty in theauto industry,” SBA Administratore Karen Mills said.
“Floor plan financing can offe r some dealerships the opportunity to get through thesew tough economic times by allowing them to keep theie inventory and cash flow as well as save the jobs theses smallbusinesses provide.”
miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011
Marlins ballpark financing pushed back - Pittsburgh Business Times:
If commissioners approve the change, the threes parties would have until early July to close on instead of the endof Miami-Dade County and the parties also will be given untill July 15, instead of July 1, to pull out of the The change that financing institutio n is requesting would affecty the way the letter-of-credit fees are paid. But, it would not impacty the projected financing expenditures the county commission already has according to a statement from County ManagetGeorge Burgess. The change would require an amendmen t to the bond ordinance that allowed the counth to issue Professional Sports Franchise Tax and Tourisr DevelopmentTax bonds.
Countyy commissioners will get a chance to consider the changes at a speciaol meeting onJune 19. A publifc hearing and second reading is scheduled forJune 30. Burgessw also is working with Miami to modify the deed on the stadiuj site to reflect the change inthe deal’s new terminatiobn date. “Our confidence in the project and its underlyin funding plan hasnot changed,” he said in the statement.
Burgeses also wants to make “minor technical corrections” to the countuy deed that conveys two parcelsd to the city of Miamji for the stadium In April, county commissioners approved issuing bonds totaling a maximum of $536 million towardf construction of the $640 million, 37,000-seart ballpark.
lunes, 13 de junio de 2011
Horse racing: Animal Kingdom owner upset with Isn't He Perfect - Detroit Free Press | Horse racing: Animal Kingdom owner upset with Isn't He Perfect Detroit Free Press Irwin of Team Valor International, which owns Animal Kingdom, took to his Facebook page to criticize the presence of Isn't He Perfect in Saturday's Belmont Stakes. He blamed Isn't He Perfect for causing the chain reaction that nearly caused Animal ... Reilly: Wide-open 3-year-old field still Animal Kingdom's Triple Crown breakthrough for trainer, jockey With Winners Times Three, Triple Crown Settles Little |
sábado, 11 de junio de 2011
UD graduates largest class ever - Dayton Business Journal:
With a combined 1,770 students receivin degrees, this year’s ceremonies are believed by registrare officials to be the largest graduation inthe university’s More than 1,400 students participated in the undergraduatw ceremony, which took place Sunda y at UD Arena. This is the second year the Universityu has had separate graduate and undergraduatecommencemenf ceremonies. The post-graduate degrees were awarder Saturday, when 324 post-graduate students received their advanced The majority of the advanceds degrees came from the School of Educatio n andAllied Professions, but the class also included the university’sz first-ever doctorate in physical therapy with 20 receiving degrees this The university saw a 32 percent rise in applications last fall and accepted its largest freshmaj class ever, with slightly more than 2,000.
UD is the region’a fourth largest university, with nearly 11,000 students enrolled, accordinvg to Dayton BusinessJournal research.
miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011
Blue Cross finds savings from incentives - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
Patients of doctors who meet standards for efficiencies in practicse management received 12 percentfewert high-cost imaging tests, a BCBSNC analysis Those patients also visited the emergency room 34 percent less oftemn and were 24 percent less likely to see a specialist. As a resultf annual health care spending is less per patien t than forthe insurer’zs customer population as a whole. The study was completes at the conclusion ofthe company’s three-year pilotg for health care quality under the national Bridges to Excellence BCBSNC is looking for ways to expandf the concept of providing rewards and recognition to doctords who meet quality standards.
Since launching the pilot in 2006, the insuref and its partner, the State Healtu Plan for Teachers and State haspaid $4.2 million to participating The pilot included 194 physicians representing 41 practices who earnedf rewards for meeting at least one quality Counting all of the insurer’as network of doctors, regardless of whether they participate d in the pilot program, more than 970 had achievedx at least one quality standard as of When BCBSNC began the pilot, fewer than 100 physicians in the state were recognized as havinb met a standard.
lunes, 6 de junio de 2011
Criticism of Russell Westbrook taught Thunder a lesson -
Criticism of Russell Westbrook taught Thunder a lesson By Darnell Mayberry Leave a comment If he was aggressive, critics said he was shooting too much. If he fell back and played more like a playmaker, they said he was too passive and was hurting his team. Oklahoma City's Russell Westbrook (0) reacts in ... |
sábado, 4 de junio de 2011
Tornado watch issued - WAOW
The San Francisco Appeal | Tornado watch issued WAOW Low: 64 Wind: Becoming West 5-10 mph Saturday: Partly to mostly sunny. Breezy. High: 81 Wind: WNW 10-20 We'll continue to monitor the risk of isolated showers and thunderstorms flaring up through the late afternoon and evening associated with an ... Friday June 3, Partly sunny and milder, possible severe storms tomorrow evening! Manitowoc-area forecast: Possible showers today Weather update: Partly sunny Friday kicks off partly sunny weekend |
miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011
Realtors to launch foreclosure courses - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The group gave the $3,200 to host a foreclosurre and shortsales course. And the was givemn $8,050 to develop a courss and DVD for consumers and agentz on the legal risks associatec with foreclosures andshort sales. also was awarded $6,000p to host a Realtor training course on helping consumerzs who are behind ontheir mortgages. The nationao association gave out morethan $3 million to different city associationxs to help resolve the growing foreclosur e problem.
“Realtors build communities, and as the leadinhg advocate for homeownership andhousing issues, we believe that any familyg that loses its home to foreclosure is one familhy too many,” NAR Presidentr Charles McMillan, a broker with in Dallas-Fort “Foreclosures affect each community which is why NAR is providinvg the Foreclosure Prevention and Response grants directly to locak and state Realtor associations so that they can developo unique, coordinated action plan to prevent foreclosures and minimize theidr adverse effects on the community.