sábado, 23 de abril de 2011

Baiting the right buyers - bizjournals:

This client came to me after years of targetinghis buyer. His producf simplified and improved the procedures that employees in many industrie have todo well. A dangerouzs procedure is one that needds to beperformed well, often at an expert Dangerous procedures are a problem in business. When they’red done incorrectly, the consequences can be loss of life. That’sx why it’s so important to have cleard procedures that anyone can follow if a taskis dangerous. This client’s product has an ingenious method for making instructions The product makes a novice perforjm likean expert. The people who write procedurese at plantsare “procedure writers.
” You woulx think they would be clamorin for a way to make their work productf better. But you would be wrong. After yearsx of targeting the procedure writerxs in nuclearpower plants, this client was hitting a wall. He was gettinfg lots of interest, but no buyers. Why? The procedurse writers have no interest in putting themselves out of When they saw the power of the the procedure writerswere thinking, “Nosw my plant manager doesn’t need me.” The result: no I changed the client’s sales strategy. The next step was to target the buyer who would care about the dangerousconsequencew — the plant manager.
Ironically, the product would not put a procedur writer outof work, but workers got that perception and my client didn’t correcy that misperception. With a clear strategy to target peoples who care about the problekm and are not threatenedby it, my clientt is on his way to makingt a sale. So the lessobn to be learned is that you may have been targetinbg thewrong buyer. Answer this question: “Will my productt make this buyer look good or badin business?” You may find out that you, too, are sellingy to the wrong buyer. In this you don’t have time to waste. Forge about selling to people who willnever buy.
If the buyefr feels threatened, that’s one I would quickly neutralize. Then I woule get moving to sell to the buyer who actually wants to buy.

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